Directly Meeting With Aliens - Page 11 of 15

I'd say that if the exist we are already - Page 11 - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 22nd Dec, 2018 - 11:47am

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Discuss  Directly Meeting With Aliens Why haven't we as a collective earth met with aliens yet?
11th May, 2018 - 3:43pm / Post ID: #

Directly Meeting With Aliens - Page 11

The search for extraterrestrial life in our universe, still continues to this day. The question are we alone in the universe, still haunts us.
Our concept of aliens is naturally shaped by the realm of science fiction.

Maybe they exist, on a different wavelength and frequency within the same time and space? We just cannot see hear or touch them?

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14th Jun, 2018 - 12:52pm / Post ID: #

Aliens Meeting Directly

Why haven’t we met with aliens directly? One of the reasons can be associated with just the math involved. Based upon the distances involved and the billions of galaxies that exist finding our planet is like finding a particular grain of sand at the bottom of the ocean. Does other life exist, I would say yes. To think otherwise would be an exercise in arrogance. Will we meet aliens here, I hope not. Remember, almost all exploration has been conducted by aggressive personalities looking to exploit undiscovered territories.

2nd Jul, 2018 - 12:01am / Post ID: #

Directly Meeting With Aliens UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

We don't meet with aliens for the same reasons we don't meat with the president or a rock star. We are like peasants for them, we are only as important as what we can offer. What can we offer here that aliens capable of coming here wouldn't have?

Post Date: 11th Nov, 2018 - 8:26pm / Post ID: #

Directly Meeting With Aliens
A Friend

Page 11 Aliens Meeting Directly

I would say that if there really were other species (As intelligent or more intelligent) than us there are only a few reasons why we haven't met them.
A. Option a is the theory that they have already arrived but are smart enough to not interfere with us for any variety of reasons.
B. Option b is that due to the big bang happening for the entire Universe, it's possible that any other species that exist are at the same level of development as us, even if we consider their species hasn't ever had to repopulate from scratch due to natural disasters (Like Humans have had to deal with) those other species might only be a few thousand years more advanced than us, which wouldn't be enough to really travel to other galaxies so easily. Remember the Big Bang explosion's after effects are still happening today. The galaxy we are in is moving at a speed away from other galaxies due to an explosion that happened billions of years ago. In other words if there are other intelligent life on other planets, you can't forget that the distance between them and us is EVER expanding which will make it even more difficult to travel to us or vice versa.
C. Option c is there are no aliens and we are the only intelligent species in the Universe.

12th Nov, 2018 - 4:45pm / Post ID: #

Aliens Meeting Directly

I think as we grow in intelligence and wisdom as a society we will begin to see that finding intelligent life that are as advanced or the same as we are today is a very low probability.

15th Nov, 2018 - 8:02pm / Post ID: #

Directly Meeting With Aliens

I am not sure what to believe. As big as the universe is, it seems impossible to me that we are the only ones in it.
Why haven't we met them? I don't know maybe we have already, maybe there afraid of us as we are of them, maybe they don't have peaceful thoughts (In which case I don't want to meet them).

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11th Dec, 2018 - 2:14pm / Post ID: #

Directly Meeting Aliens - Page 11

Aliens, aliens, aliens… I think its a past time like religion so people can have a reason (Big budget) to do things and think things (Sell stuff) that may seemingly be impossible but yet within reach because we visualize what could be - the what if.

Post Date: 22nd Dec, 2018 - 11:47am / Post ID: #

Directly Meeting With Aliens
A Friend

Directly Meeting Aliens Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO - Page 11

I'd say that if the exist we are already being observed by them, not knowing of it, part of an experiment, possibly.
Or that they've already established what we are, what our thing is and have decided they don't want anything to do with our world because the lot of us are a collective of idiots. (Excuse my language).

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