Windows 7 - Page 5 of 7

Windows 7: It's Vista done right David - Page 5 - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 6th May, 2009 - 2:31am

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Microsoft latest Windows!
13th Jan, 2009 - 4:41pm / Post ID: #

Windows 7 - Page 5

Microsoft is a joke. I will not even touch Windows 7 for probably the next two years (that is how long it usually takes them to get most bugs sorted). I have barely touched Vista, can't stand it - long live XP.

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14th Jan, 2009 - 2:18am / Post ID: #


A lot of people said the same for windows 98. That they will not move from it as long as it was supported. A lot of people I know jumped from 98 straight into XP (XP pro at that). This is because there was nothing wrong with 98, that is until the hardware started to upgrade as well. You say long live XP and I wish I can shout the same but I have already seen XP start to stumble with the new hard drives, memory and video cards, not to mention the processors. Now I know you will say that all that is needed is updated drivers to suit the OS but there are already signs that XP is unable to fully 'use' these new and improved hardware peripherals. XP are just recognizing them not using them to their fullest potential and herein lies the problem. Companies are also 'encouraged' to put more focus on Vista drivers instead of XP drives. So whereas Microsoft will support XP up to about 2014, other companies would have moved on, especially if Windows 7 is launched. That is unfortunately the reality of modern computers, parts are considered 'old' after three to six months, that is how fast the turnover is.

P.S. I forgot to mention that windows 7 beta is valid until August 1, 2009. People installing should keep that in mind. Also install it on your spare or test computer, not your main one. Remember this is beta, there will be bugs, glitches and crashes, just hopefully not too many. You are also given a free product key for activation for this beta but you have to look carefully in the microsoft site, it is there I assure you.

Reconcile Edited: lordryoko on 14th Jan, 2009 - 2:23am

Post Date: 14th Jan, 2009 - 3:59pm / Post ID: #

Windows 7
A Friend

Windows 7 Gaming Video & Issues Computer

I can tell you right now I am very happy with XP ut I am looking forward the windows 7. From all I have heard on this thread I think it is going to be a lot better than vista. I have used vista and I know my way around on it. I have to say that navigation while it is a pain is smooth. I am hoping the windows 7 is more user friendly.

Post Date: 26th Feb, 2009 - 11:50am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Page 5 Windows

Windows 7 to be tailored for netbooks

Microsoft outlined plans to offset revenue declines as the PC market shifts to low-cost netbooks, but it failed to announce more cost cuts, sending its shares to an 11-year low. Ref. Source 6

Post Date: 26th Feb, 2009 - 4:00pm / Post ID: #

Windows 7
A Friend


If they are tailoring this to be used in notebooks I hope they get it out soon. I plan to buy a notebook for myself soon. smile.gif

Post Date: 2nd Mar, 2009 - 3:27pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Windows 7

Windows 7: Cure for a Bad Economy?

Ray Chen, president of Compal Electronics, told analysts at investors' conference in Taipei that Microsoft's much-anticipated OS may also ignite PC sales, which have been hit hard by the global recession. Ref. Source 8

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Post Date: 20th Apr, 2009 - 10:39pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Windows 7 - Page 5

Windows 7 - Microsoft's antidote to Vista

Julie Larson-Green hopes you'll like Windows 7. If not, well, now you and a billion other people know who to blame. Ref. Source 2

Windows 7
Windows 7 (Hover)

Post Date: 6th May, 2009 - 2:31am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Windows 7 Computer Issues & Video Gaming - Page 5

Windows 7: It's Vista done right

David Flynn gets hands-on with the latest version of Microsoft's operating system - and explains how to score a free copy to test for yourself. Ref. Source 9

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