RPG Marching Order
This Thread is about the selection of Position for your Character in the Text Role-playing Game Creator. This helps the GM and other Players know where your Character is position so there is no guessing or delays trying to figure it out.
Refer to the image below for a visual explanation of the terminology. For example, if your Character is in a Left Forward Flank Position then your Character is to the left of the column of other Characters near to the line of the Head or Cover..
Very good. Flank will probably not be used if in a dungeon. What about different marching formations?
Yet another great time saving feature to help the play by post environment run smoothly. Good replacement for miniatures.
I think as a first level Fighter type of character, the position would be a forward flank either left or right. The other positions, middle front or cover.
I believe very few Game Masters follow a marching order until its at the very moment its needed like in a dungeon or just before an ambush but it shouldn't be this way. Someone from the front of a big party is going to know more than someone who is in the back rather than everyone knowing together at the same time. The person in the back should have a delayed reaction.
I like having this feature available. In Role-playing Game groups that I have played with in the past, the group will eventually come up with some standard strategies that work well. Having this built in allows for a common question that the game master will have for the characters to already be answered. Saving time on having to wait on responses.