The holo screen immediately switches to thumbnail sized videos that play brief captions of possible options to view. The most interesting ones for you have the following titles:
1. Civil unrest to the north
2. Pilot lives after crash landing
3. New fuel source discovered
4. Someone wins the lottery
A voice can be heard again,
"Please make your selection".
As the holo screen brings up the news story you feel your seat begin to vibrate softly.
At first you think its just a relaxing massage but then it becomes more intense as you feel the ship's engines rumble. Looking around you do not see anyone to inquire about what is happening.
The holo screen flickers in front of you as you feel the ship moving upward in a rush, but fortunately your seat belt is already engaged so you are not affected by the sudden jerk.
The g-force of what seems to be a sudden turn of the ship's flight angle feels like you are jumping off a diving board backwards, but this is not all as the voice that once gave you options for entertainment now beckons a warning,
"Prepare for crash landing in T -30 seconds!"
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
Specific Action: Artemis grabs her suit case and straps it into the seat next to her, so it doesn't become a projectile. She spends the remaining 20 seconds bracing for impact, trying to control her breathing and trying not to completely freak out.
In Character: : "NO"She screams"Not again, not again, not again!"
Lights flicker, sirens sound and the voice that has been with you sounds like static electricity.
The force of the current dive picks you up from your seat and were it not for the straps that hold you down you would look like a pancake on the ship's ceiling. Then a familiar message comes briefly as you hold tightly,
"Prepare for crash landing in T -5 seconds!"
You open your eyes. The bright lights over head are almost blinding. You're not sure how you feel but for sure you cannot see well everything is blurry and the bright lights do not help. Your mind immediately tries to make sense of everything... "What happened?"
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
In Character: : When she realizes she hasn't died, and isn't about to, Artemis unbuckles her seat belt and gets up. "Hello?" She calls, "Is everybody okay? Anybody hurt?" Then she starts making her way to the front of the ship, looking to see if anybody needs help.
When you say, "Hello" Immediately a calming response comes from a familiar voice, the accent of Tech 2! She places her hands on your shoulders to keep you from getting up. You squint your eyes while laying down and use one hand to block the bright light in your face. You can see you are in some kind of medical facility or at least that is how it appears by the instrumentation around your bed. You see her looking down at you concerned as she says,
"Are you okay? How do you feel?"
GM: Say what you wish to do now.