'Star Wars' runs record box office to $812M as of 10th January, 2015
Actually Ben is the name of Luke's son and he in turn trained under Jacen solo. Ben and Luke actually where in exile together for not preventing the turning of Jacen solo to the dark side. Just mentioning as I would have thought this would have played into the forming of this movie or the next.
This sounds like Disney and J J Abrams messed up big time, if they couldn't even get small details likes this right how can we trust them to get anything right. Sighs, or perhaps they don't care as they did say they wouldn't be treating any the books as canon.
For any that want to know, the son of Han Solo who fell to the dark side in the Expanded Universe:
While the EU had a lot of fun stories (Shadow of the Empire), it had a lot of crap as well. By declaring it all non-canon, it frees filmmakers to tell the stories they want to tell without being beholden to hundreds of novels, and they can still mine the EU for fun ideas and powerful stories to weave into something new.
Best decision they could have made.