Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Page 5 of 5

I have the same opinion with FairMaiden regarding - Page 5 - Comic / Anime PBP RPGs, Reviews - Posted: 18th Sep, 2023 - 11:15am

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  Star Wars Force Awakens 2010s
23rd Jan, 2016 - 4:19pm / Post ID: #

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Page 5

I have not looked this up but read in the paper the next movie has been delayed due to rewrites by new director and also the the ROGUE WARS WILL BE MADE INTO A MOVIE/MOVIES. So much for ignoring the other books and series.

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23rd Jan, 2016 - 4:30pm / Post ID: #

Awakens Force Wars Star

So help me if they toss aside details such as the Skywalker and Solo family, the Jedi Academy, while taking ideas and details from other books it is going to annoy the heck out of me.

26th Jan, 2016 - 12:59am / Post ID: #

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Reviews & RPGs PBP Anime / Comic

I was having this debate with a friend and decided to bring it here. What is the main underlying thing about the Force Awakens that made it out do all the other Star Wars movies including other movies ever made?

Post Date: 11th Mar, 2016 - 2:11pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Page 5 Awakens Force Wars Star

Why we love 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' and other sequels

The best way to keep consumers happy and interested with initial sequel movies or products is to balance familiarity, innovation and nostalgia and make small "Iterated offerings," instead of sweeping changes. The deeper into a franchise or product line, the more changes are accepted and expected, a new research indicates. Ref. Source 3h.

25th Mar, 2016 - 2:26am / Post ID: #

Awakens Force Wars Star

Right, so I'm making my review but die hard fans won't like what I have to say but for me its the cold hard truth of "The Force Awakens".

First, I think Star Wars back in the day was great because in that era we didn't have the tactical knowledge and science we have now. Special effects were a big deal and overshadowed logic and a good script but that's no longer the case.

The Force Awakens has some really good cinematography and special effects but that's about all of it. If I didn't think I was watching Star Wars I would think it was a low budget wanna be science fiction film. The editing was horrendous and patchy at best. There was a mix of the old ways of doing things with the new.

For instance when they want to blow something up why would they need a set of x-wing fighters when they could use one well placed missile or bomb of some sort? In our low tech age we have nuclear bunker busters surely then would have something even better.

When its time to infiltrate the enemy they always seem to get inside their building with ease and the guard count is so few for vitally important buildings. In our CCTV age we can follow anyone going in any corridor or room but in their age they have to do a physical search?

Rey, grew up on a desert planet and was not brought up as a space pilot or Jedi yet could do both with ease something that others have to go through rigorous training for?

The last thing that bothered me with this movie was the feeling like I'm watching a movie, a screen play or something similar. I was not captivated, could not connect with the characters and felt no pity or remorse for any of them. I can't believe this movie grossed so much money!

18th Sep, 2023 - 11:15am / Post ID: #

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I have the same opinion with FairMaiden regarding the movie, but I really like kylo light saber though if only the handle was longer like common two hand sword or great sword it can mitigate all that critic about kylo cross guard lightsaber without much design change.

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