I do have some Savage Worlds - Horror - One Shots that I could run.
The considerations for running One Shots is to get players familiar with the system, before moving them into a full campaign, which is not complete yet.
Name: HenryG
Comments: I'm reviewing my schedule to see if I can fit in a game. I tend to run most of my games in groups on weekends but would like a stab at how play by post works. If I can fit it in I might join in.
Filling In The Gaps
We now have a Ponyfinder Role-playing Game running in the Comic / Anime Play By Post Role-playing Games & Reviews Board.
Outstanding is the World of Medieval Play By Post Role-playing Game which still needs a dedicated GM to take it over with something that is not Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder.
Lagging is the Mystery & Horror Role-playing Game Board which needs a new GM.
The Science Fiction Play By Post Role-playing Games Board can use at least one more Sci-fi related Role-playing Game.
JB, have you thought about people just taking over the system that you invented? Its already there, anyone with half a brain can get it and then FE and World of Medieval can continue! .
Its not just more Game Masters but more Game Masters that are:
1. Committed
2. Timely
3. Constructive
I've had Game Masters here in the past that were some of those things but not all - they aren't here anymore. The GM is the example and lifeline of the Role-playing Game, if he / she cannot be those three items above then they are wasting everyone's time and we don't need any of those started here.