The World of Medieval is a custom Role-playing Game that uses rules similar to Basic Dungeons & Dragons but even simpler, it actually matches ROK II except there is no skillset. Magic is generally shunned and not available until a Character chooses to study it at a higher level. The rules governing play are in Threads there as well as past games.
For someone to take over this Board they need to apply a system that isn't Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder, they do not have to use my system, in fact I think it will be more plausible to use a system that people already know. Some people said Pendragon, Runequest / OpenQuest, Middle Earth, etc. If there are Players and a Dungeon Master with like mind then they can utilize that Board.
Even though it would mean I'd have a fair bit of reading to do, I would very much enjoy a Pendragon roleplay myself. Since I do so greatly enjoy the Arthurian legends.
I would request consideration that it takes place during the Boy King Era and not during Uther Pendragon's reign. Don't as much care for era of Uther, even though the core campaign takes place during his rule.
Edited: Thomaslee on 23rd Jul, 2016 - 7:46pm
Wanting to create your own game and be a game master sounds interesting. I think if you have the time and the patience to bring it all together and have it work I may be interested in joining. I would like to know more about it though.
My specialty is actually in Steampunk and Post Apocalyptic environs. The closest PA environ to Dungeons & Dragons of course being Dark Sun.
I grew up on Dungeons & Dragons .
5e Dungeons & Dragons is being used to play many genres of games with mechanics being tweaked to accommodate.