Don't Break A New Player's Enthusiasm - Page 3 of 5

I agree with JB. Delaying a new player entry - Page 3 - Board, Card, RPG Reviews - Posted: 7th Feb, 2016 - 12:21am

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6th Feb, 2016 - 6:13pm / Post ID: #

Don't Break A New Player's Enthusiasm - Page 3

Lots of these suggestions are fantastic but only as good as the game master that's wanting to make it happen. You can probably see easy integration of a new player if the game master is super committed to his game otherwise he almost gives the impression its a burden and that's a turn off.

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6th Feb, 2016 - 8:18pm / Post ID: #

Enthusiasm Players New Break Dont

Hunter, within a couple of updates by the Game Master or if the Game Master is very creative it can be done right away where he runs a separate short scenario with the Player to get them into the main game. This method tends to be used by the more veteran Game Masters of this site while I notice younger Game Masters tend to delay for that 'perfect opening' and by then the new Player is unresponsive.

Corinthi, depends on the popularity of your Role-playing Game. If you have continuous Players wanting to get in then a prologue Thread is the way to go, if not, just the same Thread in the Main Game sectioning off who the story is for.

6th Feb, 2016 - 8:31pm / Post ID: #

Don't Break A New Player's Enthusiasm Reviews RPG & Card Board

Seems like a reasonable amount of time even if most people tend to be super impatient I wonder if its because they do not understand how play by post works.

6th Feb, 2016 - 8:40pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 Enthusiasm Players New Break Dont

Oh, I don't know that it's they don't know how it works. I think that there's too much competition for a person's free time. Play by post can be rewarding fun, sure, but it can also be interminably boring if you get excited to write a character, only to need to wait weeks until the GM is ready for you to actually write said character.

That initial excitement withers and dies on the vine because it doesn't go anywhere. You can argue that the player is impatient, but I'd argue they just found some other venue to channel that creative impulse.

6th Feb, 2016 - 9:32pm / Post ID: #

Enthusiasm Players New Break Dont

I could argue that. ;) When JB was doing his games players had to make a whole 30 posts first then ask for permission and after doing that and getting their character in the game they went silent before they could even make an in character post. It was weird but I do believe some people either don't think about the commitment or they did not actually expect to write 'much' in order to play their character.

6th Feb, 2016 - 10:41pm / Post ID: #

Don't Break A New Player's Enthusiasm

While there are some potential players out there that do not read, take advantage of other people's time and do not know how to schedule their interests; I do want this Thread to be on the fact that the Game Master must bring them in quickly.

In fact, because of those prior things I mentioned its even more of a reason to act fast just in case their game has the 'addiction' element to it and it only takes the new Player's getting their 'toes wet' to remain committed..

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6th Feb, 2016 - 11:40pm / Post ID: #

Don't Break New Player's Enthusiasm - Page 3

But that's not what this thread is about, Play By Post. This thread is about a GM putting his best effort forward to welcome new players. Sure, those players could flake. Such is the nature of the medium. This thread is about not giving them reasons to wander off to find something more engaging to do.

Post Date: 7th Feb, 2016 - 12:21am / Post ID: #

Don't Break A New Player's Enthusiasm
A Friend

Don't Break New Player's Enthusiasm Board Card & RPG Reviews - Page 3

I agree with JB. Delaying a new player entry to your game because of wanting to work them in, really decreases interest.

One other element that causes a hang up, is lengthy character creation without GM guidance or input. A new character and player can die just as quickly from a lengthy character generations as from the orc that steps from the shadows and buries his sword in the players back.

Just having a new player enter a scene, with just the concept of who he is can be enough. Sure this requires the GM to be on the rules and mechanics, but it offers the chance for the player to be involved right away. Then the GM and player in an off thread or out of session can work on the character generation.

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