I still believe that next weeks or the unemployment figures for the month of November are going to be even higher than they were for the month of October. I see more people losing their jobs in the next few months. It saddens me to see this happening. I am hoping the economy turns around before spring gets here.
Name: Mohamad
Comments: Unemployment rates are really high and it is affecting our economy. In every year unemployment rate are increasing and our economy is getting worst and worst every year. Think about it this way, if you used to work and then you was laid off from your job, would you spend as much money as you used to spend when you had the job? Of course not, the spending of people will decrease if they are nor employed and that mean a decrease in inflation, so businesses will start shutting down, and big businesses will start laying out more people. So who wants this to happen? I am pretty sure no one, so we should let the elected officials to find a good and quick solution for this problem.
I am not sure the elected officials will make a decision that is right at all. All they care about is that they bail out the CEOs and let the average man suffer.
As we face higher and higher unemployment I think we will face even harder times. I will not hold my breath for our elected officials to do much.
Maybe you should try our government tactic at smoke and mirrors. Encourage companies to contract out the good paying jobs so they can be subcontracted yet again. Then take all full time people who retire and hire two part time staff positions.
Then they claim see we created more jobs! Technically true but their definition of a job is a position not a new 40 hour placement to make a new product or service. Then they ponder why prostitution is soaring and drug houses are popping up every where.
Oh by the way thanks USA for letting us be the number one exporter in funny green bales. The world is flopping and we need to brace for it.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 18.8%