US Unemployment - Page 2 of 36

Yes that sounds about right. You have the - Page 2 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 12th Nov, 2008 - 8:18pm

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USA Unemployment rate increasing
Post Date: 9th Nov, 2008 - 4:37am / Post ID: #

US Unemployment
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US Unemployment - Page 2

After a disappointing election you'll see a lot of that for months to come and it'll be blamed on the Bush administration.

It is all the same administration. They are all groomed to do this or that. We will all be employed in a work zone under these types. Bush is part of the blame.

Rather off topic, but...
The funny thing is that McCain was a POW in Nam. We all know that vietnam holds a lot of our prisoners, or did. If I where A POW I would want to get my brothers out. How much time do you see McCain spending on that? I don't agree with Nam, but I got tot tell you I am suspicious of all of these phonies like McCain. Bush is a sell out too.

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9th Nov, 2008 - 5:16am / Post ID: #

Unemployment US

What's that quote again about a tree that falls in a forest and no one hears it. So because you don't hear McCain saying let's rescue our POWs it means he does not do anything about it? Thats the kind of narrowminded thinking that has caused many to choose speeches over actual service. We have to stop paying other countries for their labor and keep it all home. Let their governments worry over how they are going to feed their people. Lower the tax rate on businesses, keep people at home with incentives and there will be little if any unemployment.

International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 49 ActivistPoliticianSpecialist 4.9%

Post Date: 11th Nov, 2008 - 7:12pm / Post ID: #

US Unemployment
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US Unemployment History & Civil Business Politics

I can hardly wait to see what the unemployment rate is after the fact that DHL is ending all service in the US and the auto makers are close to collapse too.

Post Date: 11th Nov, 2008 - 8:42pm / Post ID: #

US Unemployment
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Page 2 Unemployment US

Yes I agree Save america. I get distracted easy.

Naphta, Gat and some others things I cant think of right now didn't do much for our employment situation.

Post Date: 12th Nov, 2008 - 7:38pm / Post ID: #

US Unemployment
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Unemployment US

With the dow dropping another 300 points right now I doubt that the employment outlook is looking very good right now.

Post Date: 12th Nov, 2008 - 7:49pm / Post ID: #

US Unemployment
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US Unemployment

The big car manufacturers are going down to. I heard that 2 to 3 million jobs may be lost from that. Don't know if that is right or not yet. It sounds a little high.

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12th Nov, 2008 - 8:13pm / Post ID: #

US Unemployment - Page 2

I t might seem high but I would not be shocked if that many were involved. After all we are also talking about all the shops that feed the parts pick up garbage recycling transportation drivers that feed the industry. It is a huge industry and is likely why it is watched along with the real estate market for economic trends.

International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 ActivistPoliticianSenior Politician 18.8%

Post Date: 12th Nov, 2008 - 8:18pm / Post ID: #

US Unemployment
A Friend

US Unemployment Politics Business Civil & History - Page 2

Yes that sounds about right. You have the people in the manufacturing of the cars, all the people who transport the cars to the dealerships, all the people at the dealerships, plus all the people who make parts to ship to the assembly line to place into the vehicles. It is a large number of people. IF just one goes under it can send shock waves through the entire economy and possibly the world.

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