Doctors can report some mentally ill patients to FBI under new gun control rule:
The Obama administration on Monday finalized a rule that enables health care providers to report the names of mentally ill patients to an FBI firearms background check system. Ref. Source 7z
I have nothing against that! Many of the mass shootings have been around someone that is mentally unstable. This won't stop them from getting a gun on the streets but it will make it harder.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 29 2.9%
This is the one thing our President has done so far that I support. Although some people may argue that releasing medical records is some form of invasion of privacy. I believe proving that your current "Mental state" won't cause harm to you or anyone else will lead to more people being denied access to guns, which in turn is good. Because I'm sure America as a whole has enough in circulation.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 0 0%
What about those who can hide their desires for violence and blood? Many of these shooters were known to have mental illness but given a 'free pass' anyway.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 18 1.8%
Guns and mental illness don't mix but unless the signs are glaring there is no way to tell what a person to do. So many times doctors have passed off patients as safe for society only to see them turn around and kill everyone they're around.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 174 17.4%
I agree and disagree with some of President Obama's administration regulations handling mental illness and guns. There are parts of it I don't agree with. There are some forms of mental illness that should not preclude someone from owning a gun. There are thousands of vets who returned from war who have very mild cases of PTSD and they are being denied the right to buy a gun… yet they are allowed to stay in the military and carry around a real assault rifle. Not the fake assault rifles that the media and anti-gun lobby in Congress mischaracterize as assault rifles. This needs to be better defined and until it is I agree with blocking this.
I agree that this can be turned into a bad thing for all. A doctor can say anyone has a slight metal disease and bam there goes your right to own or carry a gun. I see this as nothing more than a legal way for the government to remove all guns from the public. Then you have a unarmed populace that can not defend themselves from any one from a simple crook to a crooked government. I do not like this at all. I fear for the safety of the US citizens.