Text RPG Creator Deity's Resurrection

Text Rpg Creator Deity' S Resurrection - Board, Card, RPG Reviews - Posted: 16th Jan, 2016 - 1:53am

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10th Jan, 2016 - 7:24pm / Post ID: #

Text RPG Creator Deity's Resurrection

Text Role-playing Game Creator Deity's Resurrection

How will you, as a player, feel about an option to have a deity, be it good or bad, grant your Character a chance to be resurrected if a favor is done in return? This is an option you will have to qualify for and use as a last resort to resurrect a Character. The favor that must be done in return is randomly generated and will need to be honored by the GM so he will have to work it into his / her Role-playing Game.

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10th Jan, 2016 - 9:06pm / Post ID: #

Resurrection Deitys Creator RPG Text

I'm mighty hesitant. Resurrection is a very game specific and setting specific consideration. If such a thing make sense as a setting element, then fine, but it's certainly not something I'd want as a default that a GM /has/ to accept. If it was built into a Play by Post system, it should be a toggle. If that's a random element a GM wants in their game, they can check the toggle and make that clear at the onset to potential players. If it's not something they want, it's not something software should force on them.

10th Jan, 2016 - 10:41pm / Post ID: #

Text RPG Creator Deity's Resurrection Reviews RPG & Card Board

Attached Image QUOTE (Corinthi)
...but it's certainly not something I'd want as a default that a GM /has/ to accept.

That is not the way added features in our Text Role-playing Game Creator works. Just like the current Character Gems the Player must find out first if the GM accepts it, if he / she does then the result must also be accepted and honored. Therefore if you were a GM of a Role-playing Game here you would first have to say if you are willing to accept the Deity's Resurrection, if you are then you must also accept the random favor.

Such added features do somethings beyond just the Role-playing Game at hand:

1. They allow Players to 'work' for or support the site as these features aren't easy to come by.
2. They add a twist to Role-playing Games because they are custom coded you won't find it anywhere else
3. They force Role-playing Games to not be routine / stagnant as the feature acts as an anomaly that has to be worked into a current story.

Now, in the case of this feature the fact that the return is a favor now leaves an extra adventure open as it needs to be fulfilled with the consequences of such being determined by the GM.

11th Jan, 2016 - 3:35am / Post ID: #

Resurrection Deitys Creator RPG Text

I like this idea. It gives hope if you really love a character and don't want to lose him to some stupid move or bad dice rolls. Seeing how much gems cost I would be afraid to know the cost of this!

14th Jan, 2016 - 1:51pm / Post ID: #

Resurrection Deitys Creator RPG Text

Yes! I can't imagine losing a high level character to some bottomless pit when he accidentally stepped on it. Maybe for it to make sense this might need to be selected early and that character claim an allegiance to the deity that will help.

14th Jan, 2016 - 9:44pm / Post ID: #

Text RPG Creator Deity's Resurrection

I say yes! Especially if this is something a Dungeon Master decides is how Resurrection works by default.

Myself, I was always somewhat bothered by how easy it sometimes was to bring back a dead character, the 'revolving door' as it were in which death as little consequence apart from being an annoyance.

It also allows an option if a player doesn't want to lose their character because of a bad roll or mistake... While also making it so that regaining their character is a challenge and takes work. Actually giving the resurrection meaning and not just something available to a player.

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15th Jan, 2016 - 2:23am / Post ID: #

Text RPG Creator Deity's Resurrection

Once I wouldn't have to do be forced to do it I think its a cool option. Sometimes I don't mind a character dying just because I'm ready to create a new one.

16th Jan, 2016 - 1:53am / Post ID: #

Text RPG Creator Deity's Resurrection Board Card & RPG Reviews

I will +1 to this idea. I don't care if a low level character gets passed out of a game but if I've been playing a character for awhile I've become sentimentally attached and will naturally need a way out if even its an attempt that might fail.

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