Alrighty, I think Lightning Strike is pretty well done. I may have missed some things, but the lack of a formal character sheet and breaking things up into different sections and chunks was a bit odd.
If you want me to add some standard operating procedures to the notes, I'll be happy too, Thomas. Things like typically prepared spells or standard battle tactics. The attacks are a /touch/ misleading, because I'll almost always be enhancing my blade at the start of a fight to give it an extra +1 and an element, typically Shock. I'll also be using Arcane Mark to Spellstrike, carving my cutie mark against those foolish enough to stand against my principles.
Welcome to the party, Forderz. It will be nice playing with a player that owns the book.
Fiddling with stats is tricky. A single feat gives me intelligence to attack and damage, but dexterity still determines the number of parries I can do, and my AC is looking pretty low with a paltry 13 Dexterity. That -2 racial penalty is rough. Dropping int will tank my skills, too.
Try a different race. There are Ponyfinder races that don't take the Dexterity penalty that would make better Swashbucklers.
I think Flutterponies get Dexterity and Charisma, plus Butterfly wings would be awesome.
Corinthi, I am glad to see that Lightening Strike is almost complete. From what I have read there doesn't see to be anything I wouldn't approve. I do have one thought though, and that is weight though since you have 'Heward's Handy Saddlebags' I feel that you likely have that taken care of.
Honestly, I am quite the fan of the Kensai myself so I am glad to see someone playing such an archetype.
Personally Forderz I would recommend the Purrsian over any other race, especially for an agile and perhaps even charming swashbuckler. A +2 to both Charisma and Dexterity is nothing to snuff at, and -2 to Wisdom is allowable. Also, you cannot deny flying has its perks. Possible racial feats to consider is Balancing Tail, Graceful Flight, Wealthy Magic. Edited: Thomaslee on 2nd Feb, 2016 - 11:54pm
With the Saddlebags and the extra carrying capacity for being a quadruped, my encumbrance is well within light. Honestly, a lot of the stuff in your standard kit, which accounts for most of the weight he carries, could be dropped.
I'm basically rocking a backpack, a sword, and a mithril shirt.
Oooh, and a topknot that gives me +2 to Gardening. That's right, ponies. My gardening game is on point. Sure, I could have done Spellcraft, Knowledge Arcana, or Perception, but those skills don't do much to bring peace to one's soul.
You're the best gardener we could've hoped for. I am sure that Gardening will be a very useful skill. And one that nopony else specializes in, to you have a skill that only you can do! Did you get any Feats to help with Gardening, however?