Check Ponyfinder Races on the SRD, towards the bottom of the page or do a Find for 'Ponykind Traits", which is where it starts.
Also, how did you manage to do that? Just curious. Edited: Thomaslee on 3rd Feb, 2016 - 12:54am
I was actually wondering how many we get. Two, I would assume?
Emergency Teleport 3/day and Dodging Panache with 6 base panache and a feather in my cap for one more. Both are specifically not a 5ft step so Step up and its cousins can sit on my horn and spin.
I did get a feat to help with gardening. I can now wield two handed gardening tools with the power of my horn. It's very handy when trimming hedges.
I'd like some specific information on the setting. Where are we starting this adventure? Are there any humanoids at all, like harpies being a thorn in the Gryphon's side and fishmen infesting the waterways, of have all humanoids been excised from the beastiary?
It will be two traits for each character, with allowing for the feat that gives more traits.
We are starting this adventure in Canterlot, 3 days before the Summer Sun Celebration.
Hmm, when it comes to monsters, that least many of them, I think allowing them would be fine. I mean MLP:FiM did have a minotaur make an appearance. I say yes to harpies and to fishmen, perhaps the latter being a problem for sea ponies as much as coastal cities or those with large lakes.
Or perhaps we can take many of the the more humanoid monsters and have their appearance altered to four legged. For example, mummies and werewolves having a more pony shape would make since, if both were previously a pony. Many undead potentially. Edited: Thomaslee on 3rd Feb, 2016 - 3:13pm