Barnard drops the chalkboard he was writing on and places it face down. "Oh, it's quite simple really. I am his teacher and he is my student. I teach all manner of lore and arcane secrets."
"Dark secrets," Zero chimes in.
"Magical secrets."
"Occult secrets."
"Secrets nopony should know… no nopony can know. However, when I met Zero, he was at rock bottom and I also saw his potential like a magical spark. Two heads are better than one, so we learned together from whatever materials we could get.
"Zero, being a pony of action, would use every opportunity to cast spells and also forget them after casting. So I would always have to be around to remind and teach him. So, to sum up, I guess you could call me his watchful patron." Edited: iCon on 19th Aug, 2016 - 2:53am
Aquamarine, while understanding what was all being said, nods before still offering a look of uncertainty replies, "Yes, though what of you Barnard? You are an owl, yet you are able to talk. A creature such as yourself sounds quite unique don't you agree?"
The captain was not trying to be rude, simply pointing out the truth that talking owls, or really any animals unless one had the gift of Nature's Tongue such as Fluttershy, were quite uncommon if unheard of. As such, despite how it might come off, one could make the argument it was a necessary question.
The bit of Barnard helping Zero relearn spells that are forgotten who is actually the most reasonable part of all this L, as it was that which a familiar was already known to do if not quite in the same way.
Out of Character: Sending you a message on thy Introduction, my apologies for disappearing.
"That," Barnard starts slowly, "Is a lot more difficult to explain. I grew up naturally talking to my owl friends and I always seemed to be the smartest around. Deep in the Everfree Forest there are forgotten structures and ruins. One such ruin I came across was a library, most of it in pieces, but there were two well preserved books - a dictionary and an apprentice's journal.
"After first learning to read and continued careful study, I simply found I could understand what ponies were saying. It's why I took pity on Zero when I found him."
Out of Character: I hope that's good enough - I didn't think about that aspect at all.
The captian would consider the owl, looking to Zero, before nodding and saying, "So, will you allow him to continue on this journey?"
After a moment's pause she continued, "He did offer himself as a member of the crew, and because of that he will have many responsibilities."
The situation was an odd one, but nothing that couldn't work. It was up to Zero to decide what path he'd take, what choice would be made, and if this was to be made by his teacher.
Out of Character: Thanks for taking the time to offer an explanation, I tend to consider such things. Edited: Thomaslee on 30th Aug, 2016 - 1:48pm
"Well," Barnard says with forethought, "I don't actually know what the journey is, how long it will take or where it is going. Are we going anywhere dangerous and why are we even undertaking this trip? What was that fierce griffoness talking about?"
"It's all okay," Zero tries to defuse the situation, knowing full well what is going on.
"It's not okay," the owl counters. "You ran off without a word or a note. I have to make sure you're safe!"
"Actually," the captain would say with a smile before replying to Bernard's question, "By Celestia's grace you may be of help with this. You see we're actually going to the everfree forest, seeking out forgotten structures and ruins. Particularly the Ancient Temple of the Celestial Sisters that is said to reside within the Everfree, said to be their old home, abandoned after Luna's fall and the banishment of Nightmare Moon."
Looking from first the colt before turning to his teacher, Aquamarine would say, "The intention of this journey is to seek out The Crucible of Stars."
"It'll be educational!" Zero says excitedly to Barnard.
The owl relents, "I guess so… Oh, alright then. It sounds like quite a dangerous little adventure and will deal with powerful legends. I will have to be there as a guide through the forest and to watch over you. Maybe even watch over all of you, as I could fly the fastest to send word to someone that can help.
"So what exactly is the Crucible of the Stars? Is it as it says, an oven for burning stars?"