Thomaslee's Ponyfinder: Age Of Adventure Main RPG - Page 8 of 20

This was the moment. Zero thought throught - Page 8 - Comic / Anime PBP RPGs, Reviews - Posted: 21st Mar, 2016 - 12:35pm

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18th Mar, 2016 - 4:48am / Post ID: #

Thomaslee's Ponyfinder: Age Of Adventure Main RPG - Page 8

And The Storyteller says...

"As Lightening has explained, precautions have been made. That this was largely the point of the scan given at the front desk," the grey unicorn would offer before explaining, "It was a spell that detects if one as ill intent or motivation, whether or not one has a dark purpose or corrupt heart."

Smiling, looking at each in turn he would say in a self assured tone, "If any of you were untrustworthy or otherwise up to no good, such would have been detected. Since you are here, it means all is well."

With their agreement to continue Mythos would say, “with everyone introduced lets move on. What I seek is the the truth of Luna's fall and what lead her to become Nightmare Moon. On whether or not the Crucible of Stars had anything to do with such. Asking the question of what if it was more then just loneliness in feeling unloved or unappreciated, more then jealousy or anger towards her sister Celestia. That perhaps it was more then just destructive thinking that tainted her heart, for her to become a mare of evil and darkness… Instead offering the consideration that there was an outside influence involved.”

With horn aglow Mythos used his magic to present an alternate scene, one in which showed Luna with some dark shadow. One most distinct around and near while wearing the armour that would be know once she had become Nightmare Moon, but even appearing while she had it off.

He would continue, “That perhaps Luna, in a moment of weakness and after first donning the armour, allowed herself to be manipulated. That some force led to her becoming misguided, encouraging Luna keep her emotions hidden inside and push away any concerns those who could help her might have. More that perhaps the armour forged by the Crucible is what had these more negative emotions heightened, a hyper sensitivity as to what would be seen as an unfairness in her lot in life.”

With his illusions showing the scenes it showed Luna with a strange shadow when no one else was around and when she was most hurt or upset. The images suggesting perhaps a show of friendship or trust between the two. Of the diarch turning away from those, even her own sister, who may show concern for her with the shadow watching hidden from sight before finally revealing a scene of the diarch's transformation taking place with the armour worn in full.

“At least that is my theory,” he would offer, shrugging as if admitting he could be off, “greater study of the Crucible and any lore found of it is needed before the truth can hopefully be revealed.”

Out of Character: Thanks everyone for posting!

Attached Image Edited: Thomaslee on 18th Mar, 2016 - 4:54am

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18th Mar, 2016 - 12:42pm / Post ID: #
Lightning Strike

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RPG Main Adventure Age Ponyfinder Thomaslees

And The Wandering Blade says...

Lightning was uncomfortable trying to pass of a creature's moral failings as caused by some manner of external force. Ponies must bear the responsibilities of their own actions, for if not, there can be no justice or society. And yet, if the crucible could cause that sort of temptation toward the Dark, best it be out of the hands of those who would misuse it. He nodded along with the professor, but held his council for the time being. He knew his companion was far more versed in the story of Luna than he, and the other pony seemed a practical sort and would likely have pressing questions of her own.

Post Date: 18th Mar, 2016 - 3:04pm / Post ID: #

Thomaslee's Ponyfinder: Age Of Adventure Main RPG
A Friend

Thomaslee's Ponyfinder: Age Of Adventure Main RPG Reviews & RPGs PBP Anime / Comic

"No need. I've been forced to serve ponies I would rather roast over a spit than than spit in their roast, and you don't strike me as that sort."

Aquamarine nodded at Lightning and turned back to Mythos. "Sorry about the interruption. You were saying?"

19th Mar, 2016 - 3:35am / Post ID: #
Zero Zodiac

Novice / Middle Rear
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Page 8 RPG Main Adventure Age Ponyfinder Thomaslees

And Unmarked says...

Only able to see a sliver of the scene, Zero pressed his head as close as possible to the classroom door. He listened intently and the professor's theory was sound. Luna, rather than turn evil from not belonging, was corrupted or recruited by somepony - nay, something else. Everypony needs a group to belong to, it's understandable, and now this entity was recruiting cultists, had he heard right? It was the time for action.

Post Date: 19th Mar, 2016 - 9:41pm / Post ID: #

Thomaslee's Ponyfinder: Age Of Adventure Main RPG
A Friend

RPG Main Adventure Age Ponyfinder Thomaslees

Star's eyes light up at the Professor's theory. He knew it all this time! It makes sense! "I... Think that this is the mission I've been searching for, for a long time. I will gladly prove your theory true. Princess Luna is not the type to abuse her powers over jealousy."

He looks down at his hooves, blushing. "Or at least, I don't feel she is… " he adds sheepishly. "I could be wrong… anyways, I think I get the gist of this. Find out the truth, prevent the Crucible from doing any more damage, stop the cultists from getting it."

"Well, Lightning Strike, Aquamarine, I look forward to working with you. I hope to be of good use."

20th Mar, 2016 - 4:27pm / Post ID: #

Thomaslee's Ponyfinder: Age Of Adventure Main RPG

And The Storyteller says...

"That is exactly the gist, and you enthusiasm is just what I seek," Mytho said to Star, though he also considered the other two, before continuing, "I would expect nothing less from one so devote to Luna." He would say with with a smile, as if getting the stallion.

Turning his attention those who had yet to comment, saying to Lightning and Aquamarine, "What do you two think, both what my theory and of whether or not you would join in this quest?" He considered the former especially curious of his silence.

"Any questions," he would ask finally, before waiting to see what others had to say.

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21st Mar, 2016 - 2:16am / Post ID: #
Lightning Strike

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Thomaslee's Ponyfinder Age Adventure Main RPG - Page 8

And The Wandering Blade says...

"Ultimately, I think your theory is irrelevant. The story of Luna is ultimately redemptive and demonstrates the power of cooperation and friendship over petty emotions of jealousy and fear. This is a powerful narrative that exemplifies the best virtues of Pony culture. I suspect that if Luna were corrupted by a cursed suit of armor, both she and her sister would be aware of it. However, being cursed by armor does not a strong parable make." Lightning Strike didn't seem upset or even dismissive. He was simple asked for an opinion and offered it as truthfully as he could.

"As of joining the quest, I see the wisdom in trying to keep an artifact that spawns cursed artifacts out of the wrong hands. I would, however, need to know a few practical details before I pledge my blade." Lightning lowered his head and apologized, "I am sorry to be so banal, but might I have an idea of the nature of recompense we could expect from such a noble, yet hazardous endeavor? If there is to be travel, will incidentals and travel costs be covered. As it turns out, being a Knight Errant is not the highest paid of professions."

21st Mar, 2016 - 12:35pm / Post ID: #
Zero Zodiac

Novice / Middle Rear
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Thomaslee's Ponyfinder Age Adventure Main RPG Comic / Anime PBP RPGs & Reviews - Page 8

And Unmarked says...

This was the moment. Zero thought throught of every possible scenario he could; bursting in and offering his help - no, joining them later - no, striking off on his own - no. He will have to stick to his usual tactic of following other ponies' adventures. Maybe an oprtunity will present itself.

He listened intently for any more mission details.

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