Wanted: Horror / Mystery Role-playing Game Game Master
To be a Game Master here you must be able to follow this: How To Be A Dungeon Master. Games you start can be based on Call of Cthulhu or other similar system whose license that allows a Play By Post Role-playing Game environment.
This is a section I thought would have picked up more considering how many people like the 'dark side' of Role-Playing, however since the sickness and later death of our last GM all Horror related games went flat. It will be nice to see one started with consistence.
The A Call of Cthulhu game system I can look into to see if this is something I can help with. Not ever playing it I would have to familiarize myself to it. I do want to run another style game be it dark like this or something else I am not sure of yet.
COC is one of those games that you shouldn't get too attached to your character. There is a great chance that your character will either die or go insane. It's not like Dungeons & Dragons where you just overcome your enemies and win the day. You are dealing with entities that the human mind can't even fully comprehend. Edited: Kyrroeth on 11th Apr, 2017 - 8:28pm
If you know of experienced Game Masters that can be consistent then you can always invite them to start games here. I used to do this regularly, but have slowed down because my requests are just open whereas you may know someone specifically.
I am surprised that the dark side has not attracted a committed GM as yet. The layout in this Board is befitting of the kind of theme you will want to present in your games. Systems surrounding horror, mystery or weird are all welcomed.