Child safety or parental duty: New study maps out core concepts in the vaccination debate. The recent measles outbreak in Minnesota has been a sobering reminder of how highly concentrated populations of vaccination skeptics can elevate an entire community's risk of infection. Around the edges of every headline-grabbing outbreak, there's a vast range of opinions being circulated about the risks and benefits of early childhood immunization. The vaccination debate maintains a constant presence on social media platforms. These varied viewpoints caught the attention of scientists who are conducting a three-year study on the ways online interactions influence our beliefs. Source 4m.
Vaccine rejection and hesitancy examined: Effect of calls to promote vaccination. The center of a public health debate is whether parents should have their children vaccinated. Researchers challenge statements made by influential individuals who oppose the widespread use of vaccines. Source 7r.
Mom Jailed for Not Vaccinating Her Son With Vaccine That Uses Cells From Aborted Babies. A Michigan mother recently spent several days in jail after she refused to vaccinate her son with vaccines cultured with aborted babies’ tissue. Source 9e.