Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion - Page 16 of 258

I do really enjoy it! You are making - Page 16 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 2nd Jul, 2016 - 5:21am

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Post Date: 28th Jun, 2016 - 2:18pm / Post ID: #

Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion
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Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion - Page 16

I'm saving my FP up for gems. Maybe I'll be able to afford one next year biggrin.gif I think I spent those GPs you gifted me on the same day I received them! I can't check my character sheet while sleeping, so I'll leave this window open for a moment to remind me to look again.

Okay, I started at 67.5 turns after waking up. Clicking on Character Sheet doesn't reduce my turns, but clicking from Character Sheet back to Town does. It uses up 0.5 turns each time you do so.

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29th Jun, 2016 - 3:23pm / Post ID: #

Discussion General RPG Text Kings Ruler

Small Updates

1. Turns have been removed from the Town main page. This should allow you to access the Town's Menu without having to worry about turns being taken up.

2. New tip added: Body, Soul & Mind. Since this was added I removed some of the content in the Character Sheet.

3. "Initiative" added to the Character Sheet in preparation for more to be added later.

4. At the Tavern you will see a new button for Quests. This is in preparation for the real thing to come.

1st Jul, 2016 - 11:26am / Post ID: #

Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Character Sheet Updates

1. When you sleep you age as that counts as a day. Therefore, you will start seeing a decimal by age.

2. In the Equip item selection you will now be able to "Give Away" or delete an item. Careful, this cannot be undone!

3. Under your stats in gray is an abbreviated explanation of how it is being calculated. These are automatically calculated and saved in preparation for Combat later.

4. The Skill "Reflexes" is now calculated as part of your Initiative.

5. Hunger and Homeless checks are made each day. Having an Abode takes away "Homelessness".

6. A section for Magick (Spells) has been added.

7. Hit Points now show your current and original health.

NOTE: There is always a delay in showing you your current turns. Therefore, visiting the Town's main page will not take away additional turns it will just update to show your current turn balance.

Post Date: 1st Jul, 2016 - 12:46pm / Post ID: #

Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion
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Page 16 Discussion General RPG Text Kings Ruler

Do we have to buy a Feast every day? I ask because I had "Hungry!" show up, so I bought an additional one. The status disappeared, but has shown up again. Also, how do we regain Hit Points?

1st Jul, 2016 - 12:55pm / Post ID: #

Discussion General RPG Text Kings Ruler

Yes, just as you would in any table top game. This is explained here: Hunger.

Most Game Masters let Players escape that eating check because there is so much going on in the game but when you have a system automatically tracking your Character it is harder to escape. The reason you see it more often now is due to it not being enabled before. The Character Sheet is now fully operational so each day your Character gets up he / she will be hungry / in need of a place to stay, etc.

Hit points increase via potion, rest and physician. Thanks for the reminder. All of those I need to code in, however I just made yours full. I was going to work on the Quest but I think I will take care of that first.

Post Date: 1st Jul, 2016 - 2:04pm / Post ID: #

Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion
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Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion

Sounds good. Kind of a bummer that some of us don't have jobs represented yet still have to eat every time we rest now undecided.gif I just went from making 2-4 gold per rest to 1-3.

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1st Jul, 2016 - 5:05pm / Post ID: #

Ruler Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion - Page 16

More Updates

1. "Use Item" has been added to the Equip option but I only have the Healing Elixir enabled for that.

2. When you sleep some healing takes place on the condition that you are not Hungry or Homeless. The opposite is also true where you can lose HP for starving your Character. See more here: Healing (HP).

I read you hint Diarmadhim, you must be really enjoying ROK II. To be fair I think I will pause the Quest building and finish making Jobs so all profession choices can be met as well as general jobs that anyone can do. I will establish a Chancellor and a center of government for the Town which will offer work but also have some twists involved so prepare!

I will also add in a Town Physician. I hope to have these completed over the weekend.

Post Date: 2nd Jul, 2016 - 5:21am / Post ID: #

Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion
A Friend

Ruler Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 16

I do really enjoy it! You are making an awesome game biggrin.gif I actually play on my breaks in addition to while at home.

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