Can I create more than one character in this game, if my character dies? For instance, my current character has died in this story, so can I actually choose another role instead after the said character dies?
You can create more than one character with the same account. What you're not supposed to do is create a new account to get more FP so you can create another character. Says that in the rules before you even begin to play.
How to resurrect my character? Damn I don't expect the bully to kill me despite my none aggressive choice and I feel kinda deserved to being bullied due to the background reason and I though I was still in the middle of character creation.
Its weird I was called a cheater despite going trough all the explanation.... Otherwise I don't think I do anything that are cheaty like making new account or creating character duplicate (Is it allowed? ) I write all of that and suddenly poof its gone… wanting to play that one specifically. :-/.
Edited: Hiul on 15th Sep, 2023 - 1:21am
Can you explain more detailed I don't found it. When I try I only get option to create new character. Even in the forum its "Woe is me the unknown, fer I, Niko the Dragon, have started my own demise through the way I have treated those around me."
Then you need to create a new character since your first one was deleted. As I understand it there are lots of checks made to stop players trying to beat the system so it might have found some issue I don't know how as I did not create the game.