Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion - Page 31 of 258

You want to go on patrols without risk? I've - Page 31 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 24th Aug, 2016 - 4:54pm

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20th Aug, 2016 - 4:10am / Post ID: #

Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion - Page 31

Thomaslee, anything can be added to the game but there must also be a playable reason. For instance an illusion spell will need to be made relevant how often? The more often the more coding. The Spells will surround mostly combat although there will be a couple based on discernment, etc.

Temple of Solace: There are just some areas you cannot enter based on the choices you made and this is purposeful in the game to bring more variety and capabilities to what each Character can do.

Journal: If you are denied something then that is your experience with it - let your imagination flow.

Mana: That is a word I hadn't thought about, we will consider it. Thanks.

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20th Aug, 2016 - 4:45pm / Post ID: #

Discussion General RPG Text Kings Ruler

Mana does seem to fit what you're looking for and I have no better suggestions.

The patrols really help a lot with experience and gold maybe that's why there are so many new faces on the leader page. It does come at a price and I had to use the ressurection option a couple of times.

20th Aug, 2016 - 5:53pm / Post ID: #

Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Much to my surprise, which is why I've often suggested there might be a glitch during combat, but I haven't needed Resurrection.

My character Jonathan, a not combat heavy character, has not died once on Patrols. More there are a number of times where he seems to be able to weather the damage dealt by Marauders and not lose hit points. Admittedly during the most recent combat he did get pretty low in hit points.

Oh, that reminds me. JB is there a chance you could change where you click to use a healing potion? I ask because I've accidentally used a healing potion twice when I didn't want to while going through Patrol where I mean to press the continue button but instead press to use a healing potion as it is right underneath… which are not cheap to say the least. Perhaps you can put it to the right and have it be side-by-side?

Reconcile Edited: Thomaslee on 20th Aug, 2016 - 8:51pm

20th Aug, 2016 - 6:11pm / Post ID: #

Page 31 Discussion General RPG Text Kings Ruler

That's probably because of all those skills you've been raking in. There is someone catching up to you, they've already passed me and its making me work harder to keep my position.

20th Aug, 2016 - 8:41pm / Post ID: #

Discussion General RPG Text Kings Ruler

international QUOTE (Thomaslee)
JB is there a chance you could change where you click to use a healing potion?

I've moved it further down and placed some text above it to make it distinct from the regular "Continue… " option.

21st Aug, 2016 - 8:14pm / Post ID: #

Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion

Tavern Talk

Integrating more Play by Post Role-playing we've opened up the Taverns for you to Chat with Patrons in Character only. You will see the option when you get in any Tavern.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
24th Aug, 2016 - 1:32pm / Post ID: #

Ruler Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion - Page 31

So I just got mauled to death by a bear, Jonathon didn't even have a chance it was so quick… Thanks JB.

Sighs, seems going on Patrols will be a much more dangerous prospect. So much so I fear that I may keep dying if I try, at least as long as a bear appears during such.

24th Aug, 2016 - 4:54pm / Post ID: #

Ruler Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 31

You want to go on patrols without risk? I've died about 4 times already. If it wasn't for the ressurection option I would be a goner already. Still better that doing small work in Llafair.

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