Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion - Page 37 of 258

QUOTE Its a nice game Ruler of Kings 2, not - Page 37 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 13th Sep, 2016 - 12:33pm

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10th Sep, 2016 - 3:53pm / Post ID: #

Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion - Page 37

Nice game. How about regular jobs for the Palace of Parody. I know there is stuff there to do but I could only do some of it and I'm still short for the boosts because they're 50pp and more.

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10th Sep, 2016 - 6:48pm / Post ID: #

Discussion General RPG Text Kings Ruler

Why not go the route of gold with jobs from other places or even the new addition of assignments? Some of them pay well other are well… not so rich.

10th Sep, 2016 - 7:43pm / Post ID: #

Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

I did want to do that but I unfortunately chose to build up my character's mind and left out the soul and body so I would fail in combat and fail during a job.

10th Sep, 2016 - 9:11pm / Post ID: #

Page 37 Discussion General RPG Text Kings Ruler

Oh in that case then yeah I can see why you want to boost that way. The game favors the warrior types more but then again most Role-playing Games tend to do that but hopefully will get in a job for you to bypass that.

Post Date: 12th Sep, 2016 - 6:38pm / Post ID: #

Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion
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Discussion General RPG Text Kings Ruler

I have noticed that as well. I did cheat a little and the character I am playing now is my third attempt. That is because I have tried two different builds and I immediately saw where the flaws are.

If the game system allowed for different builds then it would help, hence why Thomaslee is struggling a bit seeing as patrols really do pick up pace and doing regular jobs takes way too long to level you up. Never mind the Mind skill. I am curious to see how this will come into play, but for now, I prefer the warrior build.

13th Sep, 2016 - 1:51am / Post ID: #

Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion

I've been tracking your input here but delayed a response because I'm working in the background on Assignments. Since they are mini-Adventures it requires a lot of coding and time. What makes it more difficult is in addition to coding it, and creating the graphics I have to write the story too! I have all but 4 places left to give Assignments to in the Town.

Assignments are varied, can be easy or extremely difficult, they may be complex and intermix with other Assignors meaning that one Assignment cannot be done unless a prior one is completed or one Assignment may follow on with another Assignment.

Hunter, a "Dead Man's Corner" is actually a good idea but not something I will implement now.

Seraphina, I understand what you are saying and just added an Assignment in the Palace of Parody with your suggestion in mind.

Belial, while I understand what you mean you have to consider the factor of your boost in resources because you chose write in the Archives and Donate. That gives a significant advantage.

As was stated before, the pace of your Character's progress is limited only by the choices you make and how much you want to 'work' for it. While a certain "Build" may have an advantage or disadvantage at the start the Palace of Parody nullifies that so again, Players have to use the in game offerings to achieve the best Character possible.

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13th Sep, 2016 - 12:28pm / Post ID: #

Ruler Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion - Page 37

Its a nice game Ruler of Kings 2, not easy to acquire skills and wealth fast. I would like to see a Quest or job that encompasses a variety of places and races.
Perhaps solving a riddle, to avoid a trap in an ancient civilization? Healing someone who is sick? Seeking the help of a wise old Mage?

13th Sep, 2016 - 12:33pm / Post ID: #

Ruler Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 37

Attached Image QUOTE
Its a nice game Ruler of Kings 2, not easy to acquire skills and wealth fast.

Unless you're playing in an arcade game I'd think that's how it is during normal play for most any Role-playing Game. I actually like the fact that you can earn gold in more ways than just killing monsters and odd jobs. I submitted content for a couple of things and it was a big boost.

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