Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Review

Aericsteele’s D 5e Rpg Review - Board, Card, RPG Reviews - Posted: 4th Jul, 2016 - 6:10pm

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Dungeons and Dragons
1st Jul, 2016 - 4:51pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Review

Since I haven’t seen anyone else offer to run a 5E adventure I have a home brew setting that I would like to give a try. Three to Six players; dark fantasy content/theme requires mature players. Emphasis will be placed on narration, character development, and interaction with each other as well as the setting, but combat will likely be involved as well.

This adventure will take place on a local level in and around a small village named Clear Creek which sits on the edge of a vast uncharted forest known as the Scolandi Wilds. Several people have disappeared over the course of the past few weeks and the local drunkard has been babbling incoherently about some sort of monster.

Players will need to design their characters and/or character concepts in such a way that the character has some sort of interest in solving the disappearances in Clear Creek. I.e. A family member is among those who have disappeared; their character is a member of the local “militia/town guard”; maybe they are an elf whose tribe trades with the village and for some reason feels some form of desire to protect these humans. It doesn’t really matter so long as the character has a reason for being in Clear Creek and a reason for wanting to discover what is happening to the people of the village.

Characters will start at level 1 and the game will conclude at the end of a single adventure with the option to continue as an ongoing campaign/subsequent adventures. XP will not apply if the game does develop into a campaign; characters will level up when deemed appropriate by collaboration between GM/Players.

Class/Racial Restrictions: Classes are restricted to those found in the Player Handbook. Dragon born and Tieflings are not available player character options. While they may exist in the world, they have not been encountered by the culture that the PCs are a part of. Half-orcs are available but players are cautioned that the majority of NPC’s will have a default attitude of unfriendly or hostile toward them.
Further setting information will be posted in the Rules, Setting, Questions thread assuming there is enough interest to start the game.

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Post Date: 1st Jul, 2016 - 5:15pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Review
A Friend

Review RPG e Dragons and Dungeons Aericsteeles

Got a step ahead of me, Aericsteele.

I would like to join you. Character concepts waiting to be posted.

1st Jul, 2016 - 5:42pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Review Reviews RPG & Card Board

Sounds good, Malcombshaw. I just need one more person to show interest and then I can start up a Main and Support thread. I'm not sure if I should do a separate character creation thread or simply include the character creation elements in the support thread.

Post Date: 1st Jul, 2016 - 5:49pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Review
A Friend

Review RPG e Dragons and Dungeons Aericsteeles

Character Generation could actually be kept separate from Support, from a personal stand point.

Also, I would consider your "One-Shots" as just that. Create the Main Thread with the name of the One-Shot. When the One-Shot is over, a new Main Thread could be started for a "Follow-Up" adventure, should one come about.

I would like to offer to Co-GM, so that you could at a later time play as a PC, should you choose.

1st Jul, 2016 - 10:36pm / Post ID: #

Review RPG Dragons and Dungeons Aericsteeles

Aericsteele, thank you for taking up the challenge. Judging by your quality Posts and consistency I can have confidence in backing up your game. I would send out a Newsletter to let everyone know but I find on Fridays and weekends most Members do not check their Emails regularly so I may wait a bit before sending it to ensure its 'fresh on their plate'.

4th Jul, 2016 - 5:15pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Review

I have generated some interest for this game on other sites, but so far no one has actually come forward and posted their interest here. I have a bit of setting information written up, but I'm not sure if I should go ahead and post that information in this thread to see if it generates any more interest, or wait until another person expressed interest here and post the setting information in the setting/support thread?

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4th Jul, 2016 - 5:27pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Review

Its the 4th of July and there was an extended weekend so I believe everyone is slow in acting on it. Even so, go ahead and create your 1-3 Threads in the Dungeons & Dragons Board mainly because I had specifically requested this version be started and I know there are people interested in playing it. You are already familiar with the process and once you do I will give the Threads Role-playing Game status.

Post Date: 4th Jul, 2016 - 6:10pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele’s D&D 5e RPG Review Board Card & RPG Reviews

Name: Jason

Comments: I'm in this! I was looking for a Dungeons & Dragons game to join and Dungeons & Dragons 5e is just the thing I've been wanting to get into now that I just got the manual. Where do I start?

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