Entering Stefan's Tavern was like coming home - despite actually having an abode in Town. Looking around for a moment; he can only smile casually at the various patrons before taking a seat in one of the unoccupied corners. With a meal ordered earlier; he now merely sits facing the rest of the Tavern to contemplate events up to this point. While sitting back the young man wonders what trials still await him in the path he has chosen. Emerald eyes clearly show his deep thoughts as he sits there enjoying the atmosphere of the pleasant tavern and company.
The cook, Maximilion, with his handsome black hair and grey eyes, set off nicely by his pale complexion brings out several dishes to the largest table in Steffan's tavern. He has worked as a cook for quite some time and his skills at cooking are well-known at this time, though so too is his grouchy personality and his inability to hide contempt. Even so, with perspiration running down his reddened face from working near fires all day, he seems rather satisfied with himself. "Today Maximilion has some real pleasant fish for you to sample," He says, "The finest salted trout and salmon in berry sauce, I hope you enjoy." He seems tired as he says it as wenches cut bits of the fish and bring them to the patrons. He smiles as he steps out into the night,a wench named Elaine smiling at him as he leaves.
She observes the man with unusual eyes enter and take a seat. She looks at the cook going about his duties at a nearby table. She is distracted by the calls for her to come take a challenge.
The Town's Tavern Wench yells out that no coward should take up the Reflexes competition of which the noble Sonia accepted. Sharp on the move Sonia stands at the ready as all the mugs go up into the air. Without much hesitation all are caught! Sonia uses the Reflexes Skill successfully and is delighted at how it turned out. Some were betting, so a total of 14 gold pieces was collected for Reflexes. A loud roar of joy errupts as they say "Sonia is a champion of Reflexes, who can do greater?" Sonia received 49 experience points.
Maximilion brings a choice cut of fish to Sonya, "I wish they would use metal steins, like across the ocean to the east," He remarks, "Most folks I see play this game win, but those mugs, they be not costless, when they do break, Steffan has to replace them." "It would be best if Steffan thought of this when he plays this game, but he seems willfully ignorant after all this time, and we staff are the ones who get our wagescut when someone less talented plays." "But anyway, you've earned this," He said, "The oil stays here in the frying and it has the best flavor." "I'm going to need more time to work on my Master Chef examination, perhaps I will be able to offer you something better once I have achieved it." He smiled, scowled briefly at the earthen mugs back in their place, and vanishes into the kitchen yet again. The Wench Elaine watching him closely.
The young woman takes up the challenge with great agility and luck it seems to him, and he applauds her accomplishment with thunderous clapping. One of the newer cooks brings her some fish, and indeed it looks and smells good. He remembers the days when he use to cook for Stefan such meals for nearly four years. Yet, his attention turns to the one known as Sonia, and offers her a polite nod and warm inviting smile. Curiosity sets in as his emerald eyes take her in. Who is she? What is her purpose in life? What are her hopes and dreams… her fears and troubles? Yet, such cannot be answered by sitting alone, and thus he stands up and smoothly strides over to her. "That was well done, Sonia. I am Aldaris, and would sit with you if you wish," and thus said bows low to her with respect… emerald eyes never leaving her.
New to the tavern he slowly enters taking his time for his eyes to drop on everyone that is within. When he feels adjusted he goes up to the barkeeper and asks what kind of food is served. He orders a meal and asks the wench to seat him in a place nearest to the door and away from the worst of the drunkards.