The Town Tavern Chat - Page 176 of 467

"Wilbur my man, have you not given this - Page 176 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 28th Sep, 2018 - 7:49pm

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Role-play chat
For ROK II Player Characters to enter the Tavern you must first Create a Character via ROK II.
Post Date: 25th Sep, 2018 - 11:02pm / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat - Page 176

The Town's Tavern Wench insists on the Jump Tavern stools challenge. Of which defiant Merlin accepted. Showing off some skill, Merlin jumps clear over to the other side in stylized fashion much to the amazement of those watching. Merlin executes the Jump Skill without failure and feels joyous about the outcome. 18 gold pieces is given to you for Jump success. Many clap and raise their mugs in your honor. Merlin received 35 experience points.

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26th Sep, 2018 - 9:47am / Post ID: #


Chat Tavern Town The

Merlin did not leave the tavern so when it was time for the next challenge they shouted his name. He was drinking a few but said, "my reflexes are still as good as always so I will accept"

Post Date: 26th Sep, 2018 - 9:48am / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

The Town's Tavern Wench calls for a Reflexes competition of which Merlin accepted. Sharp on the move Merlin stands at the ready as all the mugs go up into the air. Without much hesitation all are caught! Merlin triumphs in the Reflexes Skill with success and is quite happy at the result. Bets totalled 18 gold pieces on your Reflexes. Everyone sings "Reflexes is no match for Merlin." Merlin received 28 experience points.

26th Sep, 2018 - 8:54pm / Post ID: #


Page 176 Chat Tavern Town The

"What is it they say… Twice is nice but the third time is the charm? It not like I have something better to do in my final hours before going to bed." Merlin gets ready to do the challenge.

Post Date: 26th Sep, 2018 - 8:54pm / Post ID: #

Chat Tavern Town The

The Town's Tavern Wench dares the Jump Tavern stools challenge. Of which the noble Merlin accepted. Showing off some skill, Merlin jumps clear over to the other side in stylized fashion much to the amazement of those watching. Merlin triumphs in the Jump Skill with success and blows their fingers while rubbing it against their clothes. Bets totalled 12 gold pieces on your Jump. Everyone sings "Jump is no match for Merlin." Merlin received 16 experience points.

27th Sep, 2018 - 6:16am / Post ID: #


The Town Tavern Chat

"I will have another of your fine ales please," Cedrick says. "Of course I will accept thy challenge to test my reflexes," He adds.

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Post Date: 27th Sep, 2018 - 6:16am / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat - Page 176

The Town's rowdy Tavern Wench dares the Reflexes competition of which Cedrick accepted. Sharp on the move Cedrick stands at the ready as all the mugs go up into the air. Without much hesitation all are caught! Cedrick uses the Reflexes Skill successfully and is delighted at how it turned out. Some were betting, so a total of 12 gold pieces was collected for Reflexes. A loud roar of joy errupts as they say "Cedrick is a champion of Reflexes, who can do greater?" Cedrick received 42 experience points.

28th Sep, 2018 - 7:49pm / Post ID: #


The Town Tavern Chat Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 176

"Wilbur my man, have you not given this job a break or are you doing it to get Stefan's free ale?" Merlin shakes his head and gets ready for the hand shake of death.

> TOPIC: The Town Tavern Chat


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