Unable to contain his mirth at the eager young adventurer Ragner shouts from a dark corner: "HA! That is the talk of many a bold AND dead adventurer!" "I know the dangers of which our friend speak, aye, the goblins have gold, but do ye have the mettle and the skill to dare enter their lands?"
Well, I have returned from the Goblins lands from the North, but not for the better. I did manage to defeat the first band of little buggers I encountered, but then they began swarming me and I quickly became exhausted. I ended up running for my life and I was lucky to escape with it!.
"Well, well, well! it would appear the ambitious got a good thrashing! Not to worry lad, it happened to us all at one point or another." slapping the younger adventurer on the back Ragnar orders two more drinks… "Have one on me and listen to our wise friend over there about patience. Buy yourself a good set of steel and make sure to frequent the lovely lady Ambrosia in Llafair. She will make many of your problems MUCH more manageable"