Merlin hears what the man says but notices he does not take any challenge at all so he says, "A bit shy huh? This is how it is done… " he then makes his way to the table to do the jump.
The Town's loud Tavern Wench yells out that no coward should take up the Jump Tavern stools challenge. Of which fearless Merlin accepted. Showing off some skill, Merlin jumps clear over to the other side in stylized fashion much to the amazement of those watching. Merlin triumphs in the Jump Skill with success and blows their fingers while rubbing it against their clothes. Bets totalled 20 gold pieces on your Jump. Everyone sings "Jump is no match for Merlin." Merlin received 28 experience points.
"See, that is how it is done, now come back here at the appointed time and you can have a go as well. Just make sure you actually have the skill they are challenging."
At the door of the tavern she says, "Your queen is no longer interested in these mere tavern challenges as she is busy fighting large scale wars at the front so I will leave this for you, my faithful followers." She closes the door and departs.
The Town's drunkard Tavern Wench puts up a dare for the Reflexes competition of which incompetent Luna accepted. A mug or two don't make it into the hands of Luna but instead hit the table and floor! Luna has not the Reflexes Skill but unwisely thinks to be better than the Tavern's Challenge much to detriment of Luna. What an embarrassing situation! That brings on some giddy laughs.
The Town's rowdy Tavern Wench dares the Hand wrestling competition of which Markus accepted. In what could be considered a magnificent feat, Markus pulls Wilbur's arm down to the table in victory. Markus triumphs in the Hand Wrestling Skill with success and blows their fingers while rubbing it against their clothes. Bets totalled 17 gold pieces on your Hand Wrestling. Everyone sings "Hand Wrestling is no match for Markus." Markus received 24 experience points.