The Town Tavern Chat - Page 207 of 467

Relieved about being able to do it without - Page 207 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 27th Nov, 2018 - 5:13pm

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Role-play chat
For ROK II Player Characters to enter the Tavern you must first Create a Character via ROK II.
Post Date: 26th Nov, 2018 - 9:59am / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat - Page 207

The Town's thunderous Tavern Wench calls for a Jump Tavern stools challenge. Of which Garreth accepted. Showing off some skill, Garreth jumps clear over to the other side in stylized fashion much to the amazement of those watching. Garreth executes the Jump Skill without failure and feels joyous about the outcome. 19 gold pieces is given to you for Jump success. Many clap and raise their mugs in your honor. Garreth received 30 experience points.

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26th Nov, 2018 - 4:40pm / Post ID: #


Chat Tavern Town The

Returning during a lunch break he is immediately approached for some hand wrestling. The smile that shows on his face shows his agreement with the idea.

Post Date: 26th Nov, 2018 - 4:40pm / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

The Town's loud Tavern Wench yells out that no coward should take up the Hand wrestling competition of which fearless Garreth accepted. In what could be considered a magnificent feat, Garreth pulls Wilbur's arm down to the table in victory. Garreth triumphs in the Hand Wrestling Skill with success and is delighted at how it turned out. Bets totalled 15 gold pieces on your Hand Wrestling. Everyone sings "Hand Wrestling is no match for Garreth." Garreth received 47 experience points.

26th Nov, 2018 - 8:18pm / Post ID: #


Page 207 Chat Tavern Town The

Krusten come into the Tavern as though she were a royal figure. She hits the hilt of her sword on a nearby table. When she has gotten some attention she says loudly, "I am now at the level of fourteen! Drinks for everyone!" Cheers erupts but now she can't tell if its because of her new level or the drinks but she celebrates anyway.

27th Nov, 2018 - 11:26am / Post ID: #


Chat Tavern Town The

"Reflexes? I have never considered that before but I will pursue it now. Thank you for helping me decide what to do today."

27th Nov, 2018 - 5:12pm / Post ID: #


The Town Tavern Chat

Garreth sizes up the task. "I think I can handle it, what could go wrong other than being laughed at? I rather take the chance and get some gold."

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Post Date: 27th Nov, 2018 - 5:12pm / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat - Page 207

The Town's Tavern Wench calls for a Reflexes competition of which fearless Garreth accepted. Sharp on the move Garreth stands at the ready as all the mugs go up into the air. Without much hesitation all are caught! Garreth triumphs in the Reflexes Skill with success and blows their fingers while rubbing it against their clothes. Bets totalled 9 gold pieces on your Reflexes. Everyone sings "Reflexes is no match for Garreth." Garreth received 19 experience points.

27th Nov, 2018 - 5:13pm / Post ID: #


The Town Tavern Chat Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 207

Relieved about being able to do it without looking like an idiot he salutes the gamblers and leaves the tavern smiling.

> TOPIC: The Town Tavern Chat


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