The Town Tavern Chat - Page 211 of 467

"You take that position while I sit here" - Page 211 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 5th Dec, 2018 - 1:55pm

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Role-play chat
For ROK II Player Characters to enter the Tavern you must first Create a Character via ROK II.
4th Dec, 2018 - 3:12pm / Post ID: #


The Town Tavern Chat - Page 211

As soon as I entered the tavern, I got whisked into a challenge once more. With no one else going for it, I think I shall accept so as not to fail everyone's expectations, I guess. "Yeah sure, I'll jump." I say as I get into position.

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Post Date: 4th Dec, 2018 - 3:12pm / Post ID: #

Chat Tavern Town The

The Town's thunderous Tavern Wench yells out that no coward should take up the Jump Tavern stools challenge. Of which defiant Azarick accepted. Showing off some skill, Azarick jumps clear over to the other side in stylized fashion much to the amazement of those watching. Azarick executes the Jump Skill without failure and blows their fingers while rubbing it against their clothes. 6 gold pieces is given to you for Jump success. Many clap and raise their mugs in your honor. Azarick received 22 experience points.

4th Dec, 2018 - 3:14pm / Post ID: #


The Town Tavern Chat Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

That was without a hitch, nice. I mused to myself as I allowed a whistle to escape my lips. I collect the gold and proceeded to exit as the people gradually calm down.

Post Date: 4th Dec, 2018 - 8:07pm / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat
A Friend

Page 211 Chat Tavern Town The

New in Town, Cador stopped buy the tavern for a drink. It was quieter than he'd hoped but that was fine. It was a break from the business that was so different from his home town.

5th Dec, 2018 - 12:09am / Post ID: #


Chat Tavern Town The

I just entered the tavern and people are already telling me to jump. Another challenge, okay, let's do this then. I accepted the challenge with a nod and geared up to jump.

Post Date: 5th Dec, 2018 - 12:09am / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat

The Town's drunkard Tavern Wench yells out that no coward should take up the Jump Tavern stools challenge. Of which defiant Azarick accepted. Showing off some skill, Azarick jumps clear over to the other side in stylized fashion much to the amazement of those watching. Azarick uses the Jump Skill successfully and feels joyous about the outcome. Some were betting, so a total of 11 gold pieces was collected for Jump. A loud roar of joy errupts as they say "Azarick is a champion of Jump, who can do greater?" Azarick received 13 experience points.

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5th Dec, 2018 - 12:11am / Post ID: #


The Town Tavern Chat - Page 211

Well, that was nice, I could get used to this, I thought silently as I receive the gold. "Until next time then," I tell the crowd as I leave the tavern.

5th Dec, 2018 - 1:55pm / Post ID: #


The Town Tavern Chat Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 211

"You take that position while I sit here" says Krusten to one of her guards. After looking at the patrons within the tavern she orders a glass of fine wine and once finished drinking it she goes back to her duties on the battlefield.

> TOPIC: The Town Tavern Chat


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