The Town Tavern Chat - Page 231 of 467

Nephi goes over to the man that had an unfortunate - Page 231 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 20th Jan, 2019 - 11:54am

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Post Date: 17th Jan, 2019 - 5:28pm / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat
A Friend

The Town Tavern Chat - Page 231

"No thanks kind wench, I'll just arm wrestle myself into this mug of ale of ye don't mind… there are a lot of things on my mind."

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18th Jan, 2019 - 9:58am / Post ID: #


Chat Tavern Town The

Waking up in a different way Thorin wasn't pleased. His pursuits of greater things left him lime a zombie. He could not return to what he should be doing until he tried to regain the soul he lost. Ordering a drink he sits in a isolated spot in the tavern thinking over his past and being somewhat depressed by it.

18th Jan, 2019 - 4:49pm / Post ID: #


The Town Tavern Chat Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Being killed twice in one day will leave you with a hangover worse than any from mead… I have yet to gain strength enough to fight my way out of a rotten bladder skin.

Post Date: 18th Jan, 2019 - 4:50pm / Post ID: #

Page 231 Chat Tavern Town The

The Town's Tavern Wench insists on the Hand wrestling competition of which incompetent Elgin accepted. Hand wrestling is not for street dogs or ally cats so Elgin is regarded as needing some meat and skill! Elgin has not the Hand Wrestling Skill but unwisely thinks to be better than the Tavern's Challenge much to detriment of Elgin. What an embarrassing situation! That brings on some giddy laughs.

19th Jan, 2019 - 12:53am / Post ID: #


Chat Tavern Town The

I think I'll sit this one out. My mother always said the noble men can't jump.I could with the right motivation, say a giant spider maybe…

20th Jan, 2019 - 12:25am / Post ID: #


The Town Tavern Chat

A jump is it? Child's play, even with a few pints. Line the stools up wench I'm ready. *Rising to his feet and setting his mug down, Ahnix walks a little unsteadily to the line*.

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Post Date: 20th Jan, 2019 - 12:26am / Post ID: #

The Town Tavern Chat - Page 231

The Town's Tavern Wench dares the Jump Tavern stools challenge. Of which ridiculous Ahnix accepted. Ouch! Not a good landing. All witness Ahnix land in between the tables right on a center stool that breaks under the weight of the impact. Ahnix has not the Jump Skill but unwisely thinks to be better than the Tavern's Challenge much to detriment of Ahnix. What an embarrassing situation! That brings on some giddy laughs.

20th Jan, 2019 - 11:54am / Post ID: #


The Town Tavern Chat Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 231

Nephi goes over to the man that had an unfortunate landing and extends a hand to help him get up. He says smiling, "That looked like it hurt, but you are a brave soul for the attempt. Never mind, we have all been there."

> TOPIC: The Town Tavern Chat


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