Charmaine nods at Gwen's late response and then addresses Merlin. "Well, I am Charmaine and a leather crafter by trade although I have far bigger pursuits that cutting up cow hide at the moment. Some may know me as Charmaine the Enchanter as I have an interest in the magic arts."
"A glass of wine please" says a man from one corner of the tavern. No one hears him save a wench that was now passing with a tray of crumbs from plates that once had good grub. Zork looks around and tries to listen into the conversation to see what he missed.
Even a priest needs a drink every now and again so Tanis enters seeking some freshly squeezed orange juice. He surveys the area to see if anyone is in need of redemption.
As time passes the drink and talk makes him forget that he needs to go to Llafair to continue patrols so he bids everyone a good day and leaves. "Try not to cry over my leaving I'll be back".