Oh well we may never know and look at us following the old man on his weird desire to know where a place is that may not even exist. Talking about that… have any of you ever been through the plains outside the protection of the town?
Now walking in Chelsea is not sure what is happening so she asks the nearest person she sees (Charmaine), "Hello, I am Chelsea. I see that you are discussing something but I'm not sure if it is appropriate for me to join in. May I sit here?"
Looking up at Chelsea, "But of course, have a seat, I am Charmaine and in here all are welcome. Earlier an old man was asking about an amphitheater but we had no idea what he was talking about as there is no amphitheater in this town."
Just what I mean. A old man came to the door a bit ago and made a comment about this place sounding like a amphitheater or something like that instead of a tavern where games of chance are often played. Now it has everyone in a uproar about finding this non existent amphitheater. I find that hilarious.
In an interest to sway the conversation Hunter interrupts, "Do not worry about that old man, he is full of tricks and probably one of them was to bamboozle us all in a bit of misdirection." He lets out a hearty laugh.