Ammon hears the question asked to another and since the reply is slow he jumps in, "Well, while they're thinking about it I can say that I am Ammon. I am fairly new to this interesting place." Taking a few sips in between he continues, "I have met quite a few people and they all seem rather hospitable save maybe for Rek, have you heard of him?"
Looking at Drogda she asks, "Stone mason? Your hands must be as rough as the very stone you work on. If you hold your mug too tight it might crack. May I see them?"
Lorica laughs at the interruption and asks the man (Ammon), "What's the matter you do not like rough hands?" She then thinks for a few seconds and says, "Reks? Who is that? Never heard the name."
In quick reply to her question about rough hands he says, "No! I would rather soft hands" as he winks and move on quickly to Reks. "He is supposed to be the lead man of the underworld in this Town, I'm surprised you have not head about him."
"Sorry to interrupt this intimate moment" says Hunter as he rolls his eyes and reaches for the his mug in the middle of the table. "Yeah, I'm here, listening and… looking around at the same time."