Does A Dungeon Master's Gender Matter? - Page 2 of 2

Interesting question. I don't think - Page 2 - Board, Card, RPG Reviews - Posted: 21st Nov, 2016 - 4:06am

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Post Date: 10th Sep, 2016 - 5:17am / Post ID: #

Does A Dungeon Master's Gender Matter?
A Friend

Does A Dungeon Master's Gender Matter? - Page 2

I don't have much experience as a GM, I usually try to wing it, but one time I GM'd (For only one person....) he told me I was pretty good and unforgiving. I'm the kind of storyteller (To use a more general term) who enjoys testing/challenging other readers/participants, and I like to get them comfortable in one situation to then take it all away or put them on the spot. If I make a character, I make sure they are liked, important, or anything in between, and I make them suffer to make the people closest to (Other rpers's characters) suffer. In an online Role-playing Game, I made a dude cry [..]. I don't like making Role-playing Games too soft, but I should also try dong something a bit more hardcore.

Before getting back to Game Mastering though, I want to get a few more role-plays (Tabletop, I do a lot of online role-playing, but tabletop is more interesting when there's actual values and die on the line) in my system before I try being a story teller again.

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10th Sep, 2016 - 4:03pm / Post ID: #

Matter Gender Masters Dungeon Does

Never thought about this as the only Dungeon Masters that I've encountered have all been male. I do feel that gender should not matter as each individual has a particular way they do things.

21st Nov, 2016 - 4:06am / Post ID: #

Does A Dungeon Master's Gender Matter? Reviews RPG & Card Board

Interesting question. I don't think it should matter but I have to be honest… I've not had a lady Dungeon Master before so I can't say for sure that it would make a difference and yet I can't see why someone's gender would unless you are dealing with a sensitive topic.

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