How Is the Godless West Working Out?
There are many recent developments in the godless West. To name a few: -The Supreme Court of Italy last week ruled that public masturbation is legal (Except in front of minors). -The New York City Council voted in May that public urination is not a criminal act. -The San Francisco City Council decided, by one vote, to continue the city’s ban on public nudity — not, of course, on the grounds of “decency” but on the grounds of public health. Since that can easily be resolved by use of a towel on public benches and chairs, it is only a matter of time,... Ref. Source 8a.
Let me start by saying, I am a Christian (Methodist). I believe in God, and that his son died on the cross for our sins. I believe the only way to salvation is through his son, Jesus Christ.
Given that starting point, I am now going to address all the problems with articles like this. It is not anti-Christian to mandate inclusivity or tolerance. I agree that tolerance is a back-door to denial, but that does not mean all tolerance is bad. God left us with two commandments to sum up all the bible: Love your God above all else and love your neighbor as yourself. I fully believe that loving your neighbor as yourself means that you have to accept that everyone (Including you) is a sinner and falls short of the perfection of God.
While I don't want to see public masturbation or participate in any way, who does it hurt to allow this? How are we showing love to people by telling them that that masturbation is dirty and must be kept private? Same with public urination. I don't want to see it or participate, and there is a health component to it, but who are we showing love to by banning it? Mostly it is the homeless who must do it, and many businesses won't allow them to use toilets unless they buy something (Which they can't afford because they are homeless), so then they have to go and they go in public. Then they get arrested for public indecency, when they were just taking care of a basic need that they couldn't find anywhere else to relieve.
You can't complain that California did the right thing for the wrong reasons and then continue by saying that it is only a matter of time before they do the wrong thing. This point is a typical logical fallacy that only serves to show how ignorant the people who are making the argument are.
Gender identity is not as simple as male and female. Yes we are made male and female (I recognize this is specifically addressed in the bible). That does not mean we identify as male and female. I am not saying God made a mistake and gave someone the wrong gender. I think every single person on this earth has some burden they must bear as a result of being born in a fallen world. This burden helps us grow and recognize our need for Christ. Some being born female but identifying as intersex, does not make them a bad person, and acknowledging they struggle (Or burden) is a loving Christian response. Denying them and telling them they must be either Male of Female or else they are the broken ones, is not loving at all.
Finally, we cannot force others to reach conclusion based on the Bible, when they don't believe in the Bible. We believe it is the divinely appointed word of God, but that doesn't mean that everyone has to. Once you deny that the Bible is from God, then it becomes someone's opinion. It is no more valid (From their perspective) to base laws off of the bible than it is off of anyone else's opinions. I personally believe that people generally strive to be good and as such will make social agreements to better not only their personal interest (Such as staying alive), but also society's interest (Such as keeping its members alive). This argument, that just because people are incapable of stating absolute moral fact they believe murder is correct, is another logical fallacy. It is taking something that is true and then taking it to some absurd conclusion to show that the premise must be false, but it is the absurdity which is false. Even in the absence of moral truth, no one is going to legalize murder or rape or anything. It is only when we are willing to consider why we do the things we do that we can truly progress as a society.
The only way to love someone is to take a step back, put yourself in their shoes, and then analyze the situation. When you can see what they see and why, then you can approach them in a loving manner and tell them what you think and why. Attacking people for being different or holding different beliefs is not love! As a society we are experiencing growing pains as the dominant world view switches from Judeo-Christian beliefs to egoism, but that doesn't mean that the switch is inherently bad. Society is not going to pot, it is just changing.
As Christians we have an obligation to share Jesus with others. But this must always be tempered by love and be done in a loving manner. If you correct someone, do it in a loving manner. Don't just belittle them, give them constructive criticism. Articles like this are why Christians get such a bad rap in society now. We don't need to accept what everyone else is saying and doing, we only need to lovingly correct them and show them how to live by living our lives to the best of our abilities. We cannot judge others' burdens, only try to help them bear them and thus grow society.
Christian parents do not want these things influencing their children I think that is the main thing. The more laws are created allowing lewdness the greater the chance of it influencing the children. At least that is the way I see it so you get people who fight out against these things. Remember Sodom and how bad things got there? They made laws to make evil good and good evil look at how that turned out.
The way the world is now is a very good reflection of what happens when society focuses on pleasing man more than God. Look at us, here in America, trying to be politically correct on every issue so that we end up straying from Godliness to lasciviousness. We even have celebrities so brazen as to give thanks to Satan rather than God for success if that isn't a sign of the last days I do not know what other signs will prove to the unbeliever that it is time to repent.