Avemis the Wanderer

Avemis Wanderer - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 11th Oct, 2016 - 12:07am

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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Post Date: 27th Sep, 2016 - 4:01pm / Post ID: #

Avemis the Wanderer
A Friend

Avemis the Wanderer

Struggle makes the world go around. Some may toil in the earth, or hew trees, or push boulders uphill. Some may sacrifice of themselves that their progeny or others' may prosper. Everyone is shoving against the world that it may turn in the direction they desire.
I am no different. I have pushed my limbs until I can reach the fruit of the trees. I have pushed my mind until I can envision the enterprises of my future. And, as well, I have engendered my spirit to understand the impacts of the decisions I will make.
Now that I am long of limb, focused of mind and centered of spirit, I will push the world with all of the effort that I can muster, for my road lies before me and never behind.

Should we happen to cross paths, take heed; though my trappings may be innocuous, do not mistake my severity, lest we find ourselves across from one anothers' ire.

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Post Date: 28th Sep, 2016 - 4:21pm / Post ID: #

Avemis the Wanderer
A Friend

Wanderer Avemis

Reflections on your mother

As I lay here in this now familiar tavern room, I wonder at my dream's inspiration, yet intend to honor the sentiment. What I remember of my mother most was her dutifulness and relentlessness in filling not only her own role, but that of my absent father, who's last missive she upheld. In imparting upon me not only her own sensibilities, but also those of my patron, I have glimpsed a portion of himself through her loyalty. She, herself, taught me to work the teams, that we might sew the land to provide for our homestead, and yet always to look forward to those times when I would set out abroad and strike my claim upon the world.

Post Date: 28th Sep, 2016 - 6:08pm / Post ID: #

Avemis the Wanderer
A Friend

Avemis the Wanderer Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Advisor Description

Upon a dusty field road, perched against a portion of wood fence, a grizzled man stared through the sifting wind with becrusted eyes. I noted something intense from Gilberto the village priest; though, that was most often the case when anyone came near enough to draw his attention. It was as though he were aggressively willing those he observed to do something constructive with themselves, or at least that was often the bent of his dialogue. What puzzled me was the way he never seemed to pay heed to the bite of the wind or the dust that surely clotted his vision, particularly when there was some subject of his concern, which I deduced to be myself as there were no other drivers in the field that day. I speculate that he had prior knowledge of my mother's condition; though, all he spoke to me was a vague assurance that there would always be someone, or some-thing I suspected, watching over me.

Post Date: 29th Sep, 2016 - 4:14pm / Post ID: #

Avemis the Wanderer
A Friend

Wanderer Avemis

The Beauty of Lady Fluke

My lady art crafted from the finest things. What be these, of what do they consist? Harken to me as I dissemble for thy humor. As honeyed mead, thy victuals are delicious. I am hungered and parched. Thy raiment is beauteous, as of silken showers, wouldst thou favor us with a tumble? Thy words are woven as a lark with a lyre and sewn with the care of a tailor. I am enamoured of thee, though, thou art far too dear.

Post Date: 2nd Oct, 2016 - 10:23pm / Post ID: #

Avemis the Wanderer
A Friend

Wanderer Avemis

Reflections on your father

Given my prior inclination to pen an account in this ledger, what follows is not a recollection of my father, but rather a sentiment as expressed by others. Perhaps my mother gave a good portrayal, perhaps she gave as good as she had, or perhaps she only told me what either he or her wanted me to be told. All I know is that he was a hard worker and a courageous leader of men. Little else, aside from a huff or nod of acceptance when a person found out whose get I was. Thus, my father is as elusive a figure to me as likely his own father was to him. Do we but relive our parent's lives?

Post Date: 3rd Oct, 2016 - 11:59pm / Post ID: #

Avemis the Wanderer
A Friend

Avemis the Wanderer

First time in the Town

The farther we rode from my old home, the less it's presence kept my attention. A dwindling hallway stretching behind me until the focus was but a speck. Rather, my mind was full upon the winding way ahead and the stonework dwellings that increasingly overtook those of timber. I recount the manner of paving most remarkable. The inn also gave an unfamiliar element as I'd never been in a building with multiple levels. The view from my window kept me awake for half the night.

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Post Date: 11th Oct, 2016 - 12:02am / Post ID: #

Avemis the Wanderer
A Friend

Avemis Wanderer

Message to Advisor

Some fortune has alighted upon my journey it would seem. I hope that it wasn't to some misfortune of another, yet, how am I to know. New work has become available to which I am most suited and amiable. As the day found me in the vicinity of the town hall, consigned as I was to rake my broom through the market at the bidding of the constabulary, there came to my attention a notice to hire teamsters for a burgeoning cart business. Let us drink tonight at the inn in celebration!.

Post Date: 11th Oct, 2016 - 12:07am / Post ID: #

Avemis the Wanderer
A Friend

Avemis Wanderer Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Meeting the townsfolk

Upon my awakening of my first day in town, I found to my enjoyment that those who dwell here are rather amicable. Often I've heard that towns favor a surly populace and one that is often less cordial than back country farms like my own. Oddly, the people running this tavern establishment are quite friendly, as are much of the patronage. Upon investigating further, those folk who ply their trade appear to be far more welcoming than I was prepared for, yet, a given few were a bit preoccupied by their work.

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