Message to Advisor
Leah. The path towards the Winterlands is a rough one. I've encountered strange creatures that have made me think that I was going to die in the cold but fortunately its not going to be today. I have another 20 miles to go and I should be there.
Message to Advisor
I finally reached the Winterlands and I am now staying high in the mountains. I was amazed to encounter a Krampus but I finished him off quickly. You will not believe me when you see me but I now appear to be the age of 29! I feel and look great. The wizard living on this mountain has amazing powers.
Message to Advisor
I've been asked by the wizard in this place to help him figure out what a tavern might need. I find the request unusual but considering he 'saved' my life from aging death I decided to do it. When I am done with that I will return to the Town.
If gold were plentiful I would
I am being asked about having plenty gold and I do have that but I am not spending it. I am saving for a time when I will need it. Initially I did get skills and equipment but hat was more out of necessity than want. So this is the way I handle having plenty gold.
My conspiracy theory
The Dream Whisperer gives me topics to write in my journal but she rarely provides clarity on what she wants to see written. I suppose its this way because the words need to be my own without influence. Today she wants to know about my conspiracy theory but I have none. I am my own conspiracy to become the ruler of kings.
Understanding the hidden message in The Town
I believe there is more than one hidden message in town but the main one is simply not all is as it seems. There is a big front to hide many of the intents that the townfolk have its only when you dig you find out what they are up to.
Strangest person in the Town
The strangest person within the Town has to be Stefan. He is keeping very dark secrets and seems to have a perverted infinity for young boys. I am very interested in investigating more but at the same time I have my own goals to fulfill.
Thoughts on Lady Fluke
Lady Fluke has a strong liberal personality unphased by the thoughts of others. Her dominant roll at the palace keeps her workers in check but like Stefan she is keeping secrets. Maybe her intention is to use the palace as a front for background politics.