A Medieval Continue The Story RPG - Page 7 of 13

"You didn't do anything wrong, - Page 7 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 1st Jan, 2016 - 2:57am

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  A Medieval Continue Story RPG Collaborative writing where everyone makes up the story based on the opening Post.
A Medieval Continue The Story RPG Related Information to A Medieval Continue The Story RPG
Protagonist: Laurette, a young maiden in search of something better.
Post Date: 9th Dec, 2016 - 2:42pm / Post ID: #

A Medieval Continue The Story RPG
A Friend

A Medieval Continue The Story RPG - Page 7

The beast halts it's advance but make no change in its visage. Beak open screeching its own song of death. It's brown-black feathers ruffled in displays of aggression and anger coursing over its body. It rises to it hind legs, a staggering 8 feet tall, front paws out stretched as if to give a final razor clawed hug. It's red rimmed eyes focus solely upon you. The pupils enlarge, you notice the red stains from kills on its ivory beak and surrounding feathers when it screams death at you one last time before.... .

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9th Dec, 2016 - 4:23pm / Post ID: #

RPG Story Continue Medieval A

Five arrows embedded themselves in the Owl Bears body. Each one struck a non - fatal area. Then, Laurette heard a voice speak in a language she didn't understand. A beautiful voice. She couldn't tell if it was male or female, but she felt compelled to do what the voice said, if only she could understand what it said. The Owl Bear turned, and slunk off into the woods, slumbering as if in a dream. From the trees around her, five hooded figures dropped from the trees. The voice came again, this time in the common tongue, and with less compulsion.
"Why do you trespass in our lands? You know the treaty forbids it, hunter."
The speaker threw back their hood to reveal…

11th Dec, 2016 - 12:33am / Post ID: #

A Medieval Continue The Story RPG RPG PBP Medieval World

Wood elves of the north. Laurette [heard] about them, they are magical beings that lived in the woods and dressed in robes that camouflaged their presence. Laurette answers, "Sorry sir, I do not know what treaty you are talking about… I am new to the area and my friend I were just… "

13th Dec, 2016 - 12:13pm / Post ID: #

Page 7 RPG Story Continue Medieval A

The beings reply, "You will not know because you are a young human not familiar with the affairs of the forest but the woodsman knows… don't you?"

14th Dec, 2016 - 11:13am / Post ID: #

RPG Story Continue Medieval A

The woodsman steps forward in front of the girl as though trying to shield her from the beings.

"I am fully aware, we did not disturb any of the life here… we were attacked and only defended ourselves. We will soon depart and not disturb your dwellings."

18th Dec, 2016 - 1:16am / Post ID: #

A Medieval Continue The Story RPG

In a deep hall-like voice one of the beings says, "Consider this a warning. If we encounter you again the outcome may not be favorable." They then disappear into thin air.

Amazed about all of this the young naive Laurette turns to the woodsman with eyes wide opened and says…

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28th Dec, 2016 - 11:23am / Post ID: #

A Medieval Continue Story RPG - Page 7

"What did we do wrong? We were the ones attacked… we were just defending ourselves!"

Looking at the dead owl bear she continues,

"What treaty were they talking about?"

1st Jan, 2016 - 2:57am / Post ID: #

A Medieval Continue Story RPG World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 7

"You didn't do anything wrong, you were following your instincts. It is me, I should have known better."

She immediately notices that he does not actually say why the beings appeared and asks again, "What treaty were they talking about?"

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