A Horror Continue The Story RPG - Page 2 of 3

Nothing. But she feels as if someone is inside - Page 2 - Mystery, Horror RPG - Posted: 17th Jan, 2017 - 10:34pm

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Top  A Horror Continue Story RPG Collaborative writing where everyone makes up the thrilling action in this horror story.
A Horror Continue The Story RPG Related Information to A Horror Continue The Story RPG
Scenario: You're part of some neighborhood kids that want to explore a strange house.
26th Nov, 2016 - 10:47pm / Post ID: #

A Horror Continue The Story RPG - Page 2

"Go before you all think about changing your mind. Anybody brought a flashlight or some matches? WHo has a weapon and what is it?"

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27th Nov, 2016 - 12:58pm / Post ID: #

RPG Story Continue Horror A

"No, flashlight but my phone has an app to make the light on my phone even brighter, so it works. We aren't here to show up ourselves too much, let's just go" says one of the members of this little gang of explorers.

1st Dec, 2016 - 8:19am / Post ID: #

A Horror Continue The Story RPG RPG Horror & Mystery

Someone in the group speaks up in a shivering voice, "Um, don't you think that someone s-should g-go up and investigate first? They'll see us e-easy if w-we all go up there." You shake you head and reply…

5th Dec, 2016 - 2:27pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 RPG Story Continue Horror A

"Oh please don't tell me you're being chicken about this. Okay, so I'll go up and show you all how this is done, you stay here." Leaving from behind the tree you move forward. There is enough natural light left so you can see where you rest your feet but not enough to say what is up ahead. Right now you feel…

14th Dec, 2016 - 1:48pm / Post ID: #

RPG Story Continue Horror A

Really nervous like you shouldn't even be there because something dreadful will happen. You swallow your anxiety and continue forward. You manage to get to the last tree before the clearing that is in front of the house. Once you step from behind the tree you will be exposed to whomever might be in the building looking out. You call the rest of your friends forward. They take a long time to get to where you are. You can see they are really nervous because they have not said anything at all. You whisper…

28th Dec, 2016 - 11:42am / Post ID: #

A Horror Continue The Story RPG

"I'll go ahead and make sure its safe. If you hear me scream or if I don't come and wave you forward then call for help." She then…

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2nd Jan, 2017 - 11:51pm / Post ID: #

A Horror Continue Story RPG - Page 2

Runs quickly towards the house stopping at the outer wall near the entrance. She places her back against the wall turns her head and tries to listen on what's inside. She hears…

17th Jan, 2017 - 10:34pm / Post ID: #

A Horror Continue Story RPG Mystery & Horror RPG - Page 2

Nothing. But she feels as if someone is inside but they're not moving. She isn't rushing this so she decides to stay where she is awhile until…

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