A Super Hero Continue The Story Role-playing Game
Rules: All can join in the creative writing fun. You first read the main theme or Scenario within this Post and then continue the story with the lead Characters in logical fashion based on the opening Post. New Characters can be added but the story should flow.
Options: Find More Games Like This or See An Example
Scenario: You're a young teen with a wicked punch trying to come to terms with your super strength.
Start: You are not particularly handsome or athletic looking but you do have super strength. Not as strong as a Hulk or Superman but you could easily lift one end of a car or break wood with your hands. You're still in high school and sometimes picked on and its only because of great self control or maybe fear you haven't used your strength to defend yourself. Of recent you have also noticed the ability to see how someone is feeling. With your super sight, only you can see, when someone is angry they glow a certain color as opposed to happy, etc.
Standing in front of the mirror early in the morning watching herself was a drag. She has all these abilities but she could not let anyone know about it. Today was different, she needed to make a change so she could start being happy. Her first move will be to…
Get presentable to make a good impression. She needed others to see was confident in herself. Well at least she tried to be. So since she had just gotten a bonus from her extra work hours she decided to go to the mall for some more appealing clothes other than sweat pants and a tee. So after a long, hot shower and a hearty breakfast she took off downtown to see what she could find to help her look appropriate.
But what a shame, there is so much traffic on the road and much of it has to do with an old Ford truck up ahead that's stalled. The road has a slight incline so the men there are having a hard time pushing it off the road. This might be an opportunity to…
.. Inspire them with confidence so they put a bit more heft into it. I could show off and push it but that would just be showing off make them feel bad. So the men looking a like they have a stronger will to do this they began to put the truck, slowly…
Off to the side of the road so normal traffic can continue. She says, "See, could not do it without my help." The men laugh and one of them replies sarcastically, "Yeah, little girl… not without your help." This makes her boil a bit but she just walks away thinking how with just a flick of her finger she could throw him over and into that truck. She heads back to her own car and…
Continues to the mall. Its a local mall, nothing too fancy but they do have some good shops there. Her budget wasn't extravagant but she figured she could get something to pick her up. After getting a park she looks for…