This one will be challenged as well. No matter how they spin it there will be lawyers just waiting to go in front of a federal judge.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 17 1.7%
Trump's plan to ramp up quick deportations may be illegal, past immigration enforcement chiefs say
A former Republican and Democrat who each headed the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency said Trump's plan to vastly expand "Expedited removals" may deny suspected undocumented immigrants their constitutional right to appear before a judge. Ref. USAToday.
How is it that illegal immigrants have rights under the US Constitution? Illegal immigrants are people that broke our law just coming here. I understand that the SCOTUS has decided time and again that they do have some rights, and I think dreamers should have all rights, but it amazes me how we give away our rights and with it our wealth. We are one of the only countries on the planet that does this.
I think anyone is entitled to due process. You cannot establish someone is illegal just by looking at them. You need to check their documents, if any and their circumstance. For instance: what if they were kidnapped and brought to the USA for human trafficking? What about if they were part of the dreamers you mentioned and yet had no papers because their parents were simply too afraid? What if they are genuinely asylum seekers and the welcoming that Lady Liberty gives to all who need freedom from torment? The USA did not get the way it is just like that no… There were people here long before the Europeans and they killed them all and took it away from them. Now they want to keep everyone else out. Go figure.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 11 1.1%
That is true. That goes for pretty much every nation in this world though. The people that are living there are not the original people or conquered them and they are still living there. History and nations have been formed through bloodshed sadly enough. Most countries in the world enforce who enters their country. Just because we are a nation of immigrants doesn't mean we just allow the whole world to come here. As a nation we should have say and control over that. I don't understand this argument. I don't want a third world country here. Everyone acts like the United States has a monopoly on this. Poor Central and South America with their downtrodden people. They are the same way. The native people there were conquered and treated horribly by the current residents.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 25th Feb, 2017 - 12:19am
You make some valid points. I also agree what we did to the Native Americans was a tragedy. In fact, as I said in other posts, it was us using terror tactics. That said, what happened, the stronger group taking over, was inevitable. It was the way it happened that was tragic.
Do you think the Native Americans were here all hunky dory sharing this land with each other in peaceful harmony and bliss? It didn't happen. The Lakota fought the Blackfoot. The Comanche fought the Apache (Maybe). The Mohicans fought with the Pequot. Wherever two differing tribes came in contact there was inevitably warfare. It's human nature.
We are now being invaded too. It's a mostly peaceful invasion, but it is an invasion nonetheless. One can't throw around numbers like 13,000,000 illegals and not consider this an invasion. Just like the waves of immigration that swept through Europe 4,000 - 1,000 years ago. Some were peaceful. Some weren't. All of them brought extreme change if a political entity couldn't protect its borders. We have decided to protect our borders.
Word is Trump is changing his mind on immigration. I'm hearing that he wants to make the illegals already here legal. That's way different from what he said he would do but I think he might be looking at 2 things: the taxes he can collect when they all become legal and its way easier to make them legal than deport them. Once they're all legal he can then keep the rest out. Let's see.
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 87 8.7%