President Donald Trump signed a new executive order Monday banning immigration from six Muslim-majority countries, notably dropping Iraq from January's previous order.
The ban covers Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.
"We cannot compromise our nation's security by allowing visitors entry when their own governments are unable or unwilling to provide the information we need to vet them responsibly," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said at a briefing.
The new ban exempts people who hold current visas and drops an indefinite ban on Syrian refugees, reducing it to 120 days. It also makes clear that lawful permanent residents are excluded from ban.
The updated ban comes six weeks after Trump's original executive order was rolled out to chaos and confusion at airports nationwide, and eventually blocked by a federal court. Ref. CNN.
If they can not tell us any more information about the people wanting to come over here how can we be sure they are not sending people here as a sort of invasion. It can make one think if they are secretly invading us by sending men over here with the idea to attack us from within our borders.
Border Patrol may ease requirements for new hires
The Border Patrol is considering exempting many veterans and law enforcement officers from a hiring requirement to take a lie-detector test. The proposed easing of requirements could help satisfy President Donald Trump's order to add 5,000 agents. Ref. Source 8h.
For anyone who knows the truth about lie detector tests, that they are in truth more pseudoscience that can't actually detect whether or not a person is lying but is more a tactic used to intimidate others into offering truthful answers and that what the polygraph test actually detects can have misleading results, I really don't see that making much of a difference.
More, on the subject of Trump and Immigration at least with his idea of building a wall not only would it be an immense cost to the United States but really not be helpful to the situation as the majority of immigrants come to the nation legally by plane and simply have their Visa expire. So yah, Trump is very much an idiot when it comes to building a wall as it won't accomplish what he wants to do. Edited: Thomaslee on 12th Mar, 2017 - 3:36pm
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 25 2.5%
I don't feel like he is an idiot for building the wall. Around 40% of illegals come across the southern border. Clamping down on that would seriously reduce the numbers of illegals entering this country. It isn't the entire answer but it is something. The wall was part of the reason he was elected. He is trying to fulfill a campaign promise. At least he is trying. He is trying to do more about illegal immigration than any other president in the last 50 years.