George, The Trini Abroad With Plenty To Say - Page 2 of 2

You may submit your content often but you - Page 2 - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 6th Dec, 2017 - 9:33am

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5th Mar, 2017 - 6:34pm / Post ID: #

George, The Trini Abroad With Plenty To Say - Page 2

I keep seeing these additions by George about crime locally but if he is in the UK why does he write as if he is in Trinidad?

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Post Date: 6th Apr, 2017 - 10:14am / Post ID: #

Say Plenty With Trini George

Name: George

Title: My reasons for quitting

Comments: I refer to my recent letter in which I said that it would be my last letter to the media here. I however decided the write this letter to explain my reasons for making such statement. I have been reading the articles in the local newspapers here for over twenty five years,and submitting my response to some, especially those dealing with politics and crime. With respect to politics I have come to the conclusion that our nation could do without politicians. Politicians here have proved themselves to be worthless. Instead of improving this nation and the living conditions of our citizens they have become part and parcel of our problems.The evidence shown in the past records will support this. They administer this nation as propagandists and are lacking in morals an compassion. They use the Treasury as an ATM to their personal advantage. Our political system encourages corruption which is a striving product of the electoral process here.Just look around you and see what this once paradise has become under the governance of locally elected representatives since our independence. Yes, A haven for criminals dabbling in all types of crime known to mankind.and politicians and those in positions of authority dabbling themselves in massive fraud via cleverly corruption methods assisted constantly pulling the wool over the eyes of our vulnerable citizens. The nation could be better served by a selected group of ordinary and trusted businessmen headed by a respectable and trusted banker. I also believe that most of our present politicians have no more trading or commercial knowledge that ordinary shopkeepers found all over this island.despite their so called educational and professional qualifications.They certainly have so far failed to display these to the advantage of the nation or our citizens in their political careers. With respect to the police system, it is absolutely useless. Since our independence like our politicians they have allowed crime to get out of control. This is enough proof to abandon this set up here. The nation will be far better off by members of local districts and communities setting their own version of a security and police system. The police system too are a corrupt organization. In addition, justice system here stinks of unfairness and inequalities .Our judges are still guided by a far away prescribed list of rules and regulations not necessarily associated with our needs but those of the past colonial days. They haven't got a clue of how to deal in a justified manner with serious local criminal issues without asking for guidance from their old colonial masters, and this is still going on after over 50 years of our independence. The judiciary are highly corrupt. I honestly believed that T&T must be the most corruption nation in this side of the world with a large brigade of professional masterminds of corruption carrying out their trade here for personal financial gain and using particularly politics a as the transportation of this crime.. It is just that they have become very good at hiding the real facts from the authorities who assesses world corruption of what is really going on here. The above are the main reasons why I decided to stop contributing to the press or other media sources here anymore. It is just a waste of my time. It has now become apparent, since things have now become so bad that it really does not matter what suggestions,ideas made,or even practical changes made here, nothing will ever change until the easy access from our gas and oil resources have disappeared. Citizens too, must stop the habit of electing representatives on racial lines who could only be considered as greedy financial fools,making promises they could never fulfill and seemingly lacking in foresight to administer this nation.

15th May, 2017 - 3:30pm / Post ID: #

George, The Trini Abroad With Plenty To Say Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

George, when you write it tends to be all jumbled together and a mix of things some of them too racial or judgemental bordering on slander. If you wish for us to continue adding your comments then please keep in mind the following:

1. Post the source. Just saying this morning's paper is NOT enough. Either the link or exact page number.

2. Do not mix your words with a quote. When quoting someone clearly distinguish it from your writing by creating space.

3. Do not write IN ALL UPPERCASE we will not add 'shouting'!

4. Stop the race focus, if you have something significant to add to the Topic then focus on that.

Your last submission was a classic of what not to do. Here is the proper version which you can compare: Correct way to Post.

Post Date: 15th May, 2017 - 8:32pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Say Plenty With Trini George

Name: George

Title: Writing rules

Comments: Hello JB,
Many thanks for your advice. In defense [of] myself I will like to assure you and other readers of this website that my comments are not intended to be slanderous. I am not a racist and do not particularly go out of my way to single out any one because they are black white green brown or yellow Any reference to skin color in my comments are only intended to classify our citizens in the modern normal manner.
I say it as I see it, or as it is reported and offer in most cases an opposite point of view base on my personal opinion,and in so doing perhaps I am not always correct in my thinking.
I try my best a to make the correct references to reports etc in my comments obviously without success.
.As regards to using the uppercase when making comments, this is not a habitual tendency of mine,and I am have difficulty in recalling when I last used it on this website.
Nevertheless I appreciate your guidance, and will bear in mind all you have said before I submit another comment to this website
However please bear in mind, that it has since our independence, become very difficult to distinguished the difference between truth and fiction dealing with events that occur in Trinidad,especially within our politics.
Once again thanks for your personal intervention.

Post Date: 6th Dec, 2017 - 9:24am / Post ID: #

Say Plenty With Trini George

Name: George

Title: Saying it as I see it

Comments: I have observed that despite contributing to your website in a sensible manner on a daily basis none of my letters is now being published. If this is because of their truthfulness or outspoken mode, then I am afraid that is just the way I see it. I am not prepared to paint pretty pictures of the bad and destructive and unjustifiable behaviour of neither ordinary citizens or those in authority here. To be more precise I am not willing to give praise to a regime where its officials continue to do nothing meaningful in regards to the ever-increasing cases of corruption in high places, a multitude of murders of innocent citizens by turning a blind eye to these now everyday events and at the same time seemingly trying to encourage the general public to accept things as they are by showing immunity to the destruction of the nation by a particular sector of its population based in their strongholds. I should, therefore, continue to submit letters in the same mode leaving it entirely to your judgement as to whether to publish them or not.

6th Dec, 2017 - 9:33am / Post ID: #

George, The Trini Abroad With Plenty To Say

You may submit your content often but you do not learn the method nor follow our posting guidelines. If you don't know what I am talking about then re-read this Thread to avoid me repeating myself. One of the big issues we have with the content you submit is its repetitiveness. You seem to be unaware how to build on a Topic as well as stick to the subject. For instance, if the Thread is about a specific murder case instead of focusing on that case you will talk about Jack Warner, the CJ, the PNM, race, etc. In the end it has nothing to do with the murder case. There is a big difference between being a writer and "Just having something to say". Even the guys down at the rum shop have plenty to say but it doesn't mean we have to listen. Keep that in mind the next time to you write or your entries will simply be ignored.

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