Do you think there is any advantage to playing a character as a woman over a man or vice versa in an Role-playing Game? I am also asking this because a lot of Role-playing Games do not take into consideration gender bonuses or adjustments. For instance if your character is male then you might get a +1 on strength but if female a +1 on dexterity, etc.
Most games give no benefit to playing male or female characters. It's more a role playing preference to me. Female characters get different reactions than male characters in certain situations. Different genders gives you opportunities to explore what it is like a little bit as the other gender.
I always play female characters because I feel much more comfortable playing them as I'm female. I don't like playing characters that I can't relate to or fully get into the role. I fear that if I played male characters I would portray stereotypes instead of individuals which I don't like to do. So to summarize, if you are heavily into roleplaying it can be a benefit to play a character as a different sex. Otherwise, they are interchangeable. Edited: Kyrroeth on 11th Dec, 2016 - 3:27pm
There can be, but it often depends on the Dungeon Master.
Not too surprisingly in today's environment, most Masters I know avoid treating the genders any differently, at least in regards to the players.
I try to have reactions vary based on gender to some degree, but only where realistic and appropriate. Its hard to call that an advantage though, as the difference can be positive or negative.
More generally, it can be difficult for most people to play as something other than their actual gender. The only player I've observed playing both genders well was a trans man. Go figure.
I have yet to play a female character myself, discounting the occasional DMPC. Like Kyrroeth alluded to, I'm concerned that either I'd default to a sexless protrayal, or end up playing to preconceptions. The fact that I'm a big guy with a deep voice really doesn't help such matters for in person games.
From my observations guys will aide a female player rather than a female character faster than a male player even if he has a female character. Maybe its a bit of meta gaming or natural order of priorities. ;).