Nyzahr makes her way to the Urd's remains and tries to locate the creature's staff: could it be that his command of the winds came from it? If so, there may be a way to distract the dragon long enough to give the defenders an advantage…
Out of Character: : she will try and pick up the staff but will attempt to see if is safe to do so first, using her knowledge of magical artifacts.
Knowing that the bow is not his best weapon, Targul will stand guard with his great sword in the event that the creature decides to attack the tower.
Given the way he ripped through Sir Onthar and appears to be doing the same to the rest of his retinue, Targul is not excited by the thought of fighting the beast. But, should it decide to take on the tower and his companions, Targul will fight it with all of his might.
The fort's defenders continue to fire at the dragon, who rears his head back and breathes another plume of lightning. When the cascade of energy clears, only two of Onthar's retinue remain. They run for their lives.
The dragon takes wing, and appears about to pursue them, but by chance its movement places it squarely in the path of Fay's ballista bolt, which rips through its right wing, before leaving a wound on its chest.
Apparently, it thinks better of the plan to pursue the survivors, and banks right as it begins to wing its way towards the fort, which has proven itself a notable threat. Between Onthar's man with the axe and the bolt, it seems to have taken significant damage to its right wing membrane, and is flying more slowly than before.
Out of Character: You have five rounds before contact is made, the last two of which will not be incurring disadvantage for ballista/longbow ranged attacks. The Ballistas just fired, so they'll only get one more shot off before the dragon is there, but the one Fay is helping will be firing with advantage for that shot, and the other one will be firing normally.
Nyzahr does not perceive any danger regarding the Urd's staff, but it does not appear to have produced the Wind Wall. Instead, it appears to be an arcane focus, one that improves the potency of spells cast through it by an attuned user.
Edited: daishain on 5th Apr, 2017 - 6:49pm
Fay watches his bolt wiggle just a bit and then straighten out, fly true, and strike the drake on it wing, tearing through. Feeling at least a bit of satisfaction to have injured the beast that so callously killed Sir Onthar, he allows a small smile to creep back on his face. Fay stays on the wall with the crossbow until the shot is off. He continues singing his saga, now singing about Bahamut and the strength of the Dragons friendly to human and Elf alike. He reloads the weapon, aims it at the approaching beast, looks over at Lia and weaves a quick prayer to Sune in the tune for her benefit, and lets loose the bolt, instructing the other ballista to do the same.
Out of Character: Fay will stay and man the ballista for the last shot. Once that shot is off, he will move away from the ballista to the walls where he can more freely wield his weapons. Fay provides Lia with the last of his inspiration. Shoot straight! ;).
Poljen sees the dragon is finally heading towards them. Part of him is relieved that it is finally doing what they expected. Part of him feels a slight sense of dread.
Out of Character: : Rolling 5 rounds… if I need disad rolls for rounds 4 and 5, I will roll them when notified.
Out of Character: Fay will use another of his luck points to re-roll his attack on the dragon.
Fay thinks about finding his mother and the fact she worships Sune. "Perhaps it was Sune that brought them together" he thinks. He does something he's rarely done in his life, he asks a specific god for help, "Sune, for the sake of my mother, let this bolt fly true" he beseeches.
Slightly disappointed by the staff's lack of magical recourse, Nyzahr nevertheless proceeds to a thorough search of the body and other belongings of the Urd Magus, trying to see if anything can be of use.
She will then inspect the buildings in the surrounding streets, seeing if anything can be used to hurt or even distract the beast as it's flying towards the fort.
Out of Character: : she is mostly looking for something to distract the dragon, like perhaps a war horn or a bell of some kind. Any churches or high towers nearby ?