Targul lays on the ground where he came to rest against the building. As he does, he thinks to himself, "Run, jump, stab, fall… no, no, no. That's not right. Where did I go wrong? Run, jump, stab… Oh, I should have held onto the sword."
Trying to figure out what to do next he thinks, "Maybe I'll just lay here for a bit and see if I can wiggle my toes… "
Nyzahr emerges into the courtyard in time to see a battered Poljen giving directions to the group of archers and shield-bearers.
She takes a look at the disposition of things and realizes this will be a bitter fight indeed.
The archers are being disposed into place by the burly barbarian, meanwhile both Fay and Lia are making use of their own bows, Cahleth is manning the ballista… all these projectiles flying about, buzzing in the air…
... All these projectiles… rising… and falling… all around the dragon…
She's suddenly sprinting towards Cahleth and the remaining members of the fort milicia, right where the last ballista station is. As she passes Poljen she sends him a quick mental image:
- The ballista. Protect it at all cost, it's our best chance. Cover fire, use the archers. I go to Cahleth, we will create a web to catch this great flying lizard !
Out of Character: : this is the plan Nyzahr came up with: instead of only firing our projectiles directly at the beast, let's see if we can organise the means to attach ropes to the arrows (Or even chains to the ballista's huge bolts) and try to tangle the dragon's wings… this way we don't actually have to hit him and wound him every time, just send our missiles around him and tangle him up just like a great big moth. We have enough archers for that, question being, is there enough cables and rope about ?
Not sure if this will stop him for long, but as long as it impairs his ability to maneuver in the skies - and maybe even force him to land, or even get him to fall… ? - we will be in a better tactical position.
In the event he gets to the ground, we should try and find other means to wound him from the top of the walls, maybe boiling oil, flaming debris, big rocks we can hurl from the battlements… anything that we can use while he's on the ground and still caught in the "Netting" (Which probably won't last long, if at all… !). Think Gulliver, here.
If this plan is viable she will need the rest of the team to help her strategize and coordonate things with the garrison.
She'll first go to Cahleth and get him to relay the idea to the rest of the fighting troops. Edited: AshDrunbar on 11th Apr, 2017 - 4:52pm
The next few moments are frustrating, as bolt after arrow simply plink off of Lennithon's scales.
Cahleth yells out from the tower he's on, "Hey! Overgrown kobold! Not wonder you serve Tiamat, Only she is so pathetic as to take on such an embarrassment!"
The words seem to have an affect on the already raging creature, as the dragon spirals up to the southeast, and begins diving towards the ranger, claws outstretched. Edited: daishain on 11th Apr, 2017 - 5:33pm
Cratol listens at the wall to see if he can hear anything on the other side that will tell him if they are searching for their stuff. Meanwhile Cratol will also take a look at what they had looted to see if anything is of some use to them.
"Cahleth, ware" Fay yells. He aims his crossbow and urges those around to fire their arrows. "Fire my fellows, fire like thee lives depend upon it. Because, in truth my matees, they do." Fay aims and fires himself. "Amillë, good lady. We need thy bolts as well. Aim true. Let us claw this creature from the sky."
Lia gapes as she hears Cahleth taunting the majestic creature. She calls out " No, Cahleth." Lia is transfixed watching Lenninthon diving towards her friend. Hearing Fay calling to her she snaps out of it. Taking aim upon the dragon she calls upon Sune to bless her arrow.
Out of Character: : She will fire from whatever cover she is in. If unable to target dragon from there she will move until she can target it then try to reach cover again if possible. Edited: Kyrroeth on 11th Apr, 2017 - 7:25pm
Poljen curses as his arrow bounces off the dragon's thick hide. He realizes the beast is heading for the tower where Cahleth is and races to meet it there. If it comes in range for melee, he will engage it. If not, he still has his bow…
Out of Character: : The only difference is the damage would be 2 points higher if the sword is used over the bow. I will hold off on further Dexterity rolls until Daishain tells me otherwise. Dash for the bonus action in hopes of getting up the tower in time.
Seeing that the dragon still hasn't left, Targul eventually pulls himself up off of the ground and pulls out his bow. "Might as well keep at it" he thinks to himself.
As he makes his way back to the tower and up to the battlements, he'll fire his bow at the dragon every opportunity that he gets.