Velon sits down against the wall next to the prisoner with a sigh and speaking in a less forceful tone. "What brought YOU here, anyhow? Why have you devoted your life to the chaos of Tiamat, taking innocent folk from their homes? What do you get for your loyalty to Rezmir?"
Out of combat: Velon is changing the conversation from an interrogation to a more friendly concern for this prisoner. As a man of faith he hopes to start a dialog that may help this man find a better path.
(Daishain, is the prisoner young? Old? Male? Female?).
After telling Lia and Poljen what they have discovered from the prisoner Fay goes back down to Velon. "He sees him sitting with the prisoner talking to him and stops, mouth agape. Then he smiles and motions for Velon to come over and says in a low voice, "Tis an interesting style of interrogation ye have Master Velon. But that makes no matter if it works. Have ye found out anything else? To where are they taking these prisoners and when will they leave. This we must know to plan our next action."
Out of Character:
Nyzahr is unaware of what's going on with the prisoner, as she is actually laying down inside the cavern along with the rest of the refugees, trying to replenish her strength (I.e. = short rest, got it !), but when she is informed of the evil army's intention and of Rezmir's location "Somewhere off to the north", she will share her thoughts on the matter: maybe letting the army leave and ambushing them just before they reach their goal would lead the Blaze to the actual stronghold of the enemy ?
They could make use of Tallis and her crew's tracking skills and work guerilla-style to ambush some of the stragglers while preparing to infiltrate their den…
The man before Velon is human, not quite middle aged, he bears the calluses of a man who was once a farmer or laborer before taking up a sword. Wiping blood from a shallow wound on his forehead, he answers Velon's query. "I once served Lathander, but he failed me and mine. This world took my wife and my children from me, they suffered horribly before the end, and he did nothing. This world must perish, and be born anew from the ashes. I will see them again then. I just have to, I just have to serve faithfully, and I will see them. She promised me."
Velon detects instability in the man's voice. Bitterness, anger, pain, desperation, and more than a hint of madness. Edited: daishain on 1st May, 2017 - 10:09pm
To the prisoner: "Did She promise you, or did another mortal make these promises and now you're doing their bidding? Do you picture Tiamat presiding over a new era of peace, happiness, and prosperity for all? I don't exactly picture her that way."
To Fay: "They worship Tiamat, and follow one called Wyrmspeaker Rezmir. They'll take all the prisoners they can and head somewhere North of here."
If Nyzahr has communicated with Velon: "Yes, following them North crossed my mind as well. It's a large force though, and I'd hate to let them join up with more allies. We should all discuss it."
Lia turns in irritation and walks quickly down the steps. She passes through the cavern until she arrives back by her friends. Looking over at the prisoners they seem to be treated well by this Velon. She joins Poljen and smiles. Lia hands his spyglass back to him. " Thank you for letting me use that. There are still a large amount of enemy out front. Nothing that we can handle. This is so frustrating. They can't get to us but how do we save all of those prisoners? I think that once they finish rounding up all the townsfolk they will take them away. Having lost their dragon they have no way in. " Lia shakes her head. " You always have bold ideas. We need to do something. Any ideas brave Poljen? "
She looks at him and then her face lights up. " I have an idea. Most buildings in the town are made of wood. Start fires in strategic locations and force them to leave. We could use the chaos and attack them. I know it is risky. If we do nothing they will have all of these people anyways. What do you think? "
Poljen has been sitting near the magically-sealed exit during this time, when Lia approaches him. When she hands him the spyglass he nods at her thanks. After all, what is his is also the Blaze's. Then she expresses the frustration they all share at the current situation, even going so far as to call him brave and his ideas bold, causing just a hint of redness to his cheeks. Then she mentions her idea about setting the town aflame. He grins and shakes his head slightly.
"First, thank you, Lia, for the kind words. I do my best to help us achieve our goals. And this idea of yours… setting fire to the town, would indeed be unexpected by the enemy, I am sure. I like this new side of you. Since you have found your son, you seem more open to risky plans. I do not know if there is some cause and effect there, but I am glad you are willing to take risks, as I am. But for all my boldness, you may not see that I take calculated risks. I rarely charge into a battle that I feel is completely hopeless. I will do it if I think the reward is worthy of my death. And if my sacrifice would save all those prisoners, I would not hesitate. But at this moment, I fear we have no options other than to wait. They know roughly where this tunnel opens into the town, and are probably still watching. If we left, we're sure to be seen, and without surprise we have no chance of pulling off any kind of raid, let alone saving scores of prisoners. If we could find a way to get outside unseen, I am not sure we could infiltrate their camp to kill the dragonborn, or free prisoners. And imagine trying to lead scores of beaten prisoners somewhere safe with their army on our tail. That is where I would most likely die, and it would be for naught, I fear."
He shakes his head again and continues. "They are too many for us to take on directly. Now they are staying together, so we have only one option I can see. They are not going to storm the fort. If they were, I think they would have done so by now. Truthfully, I am amazed they did not try while the dragon was marauding us. And again, if their purpose was to slaughter people here and now, they would have done so. No, they will move them, probably to this camp to the north we have heard so much about. And we can follow them. Now I fear there will be more of them at the camp, but maybe we can slip past their patrols and get inside. But the only way I see even this working is if they send their troops our to seek more prisoners and loot, for their cursed dragon-goddess." He pauses, then adds, "We should see what things look like after the sun rises. And then we can decide what if anything to do. Though I do have one final, bold idea. The dragonborn, back at the wall, offered an honorable duel. Mayhap he would be willing to do so once more, with the stakes being a certain number od prisoners. Though I suspect he would turn down the idea. It might be worthwhile, though."