Poljen looks somewhat confused. "Did I not say we would pursue them this day? That we most likely would have to find their base, and when the main troops leave for another raid we free the people of Greenest? Along with others they may be holding, of course. So yes, now that we have rested, and Cratol brought us his information, we should follow them. Tallis, if you wish to ride ahead and scout, leave markers for us to follow, unless the enemy leaves a path only a blind man could miss. Come, we need to pack rations for traveling for a few days. More than that, well hopefully Tallis can bag some game that is not scared off by the enemy's army."
Fay breathes out a long sigh, "Thank the gods Poljen, we need leadership and that be thee. I must have misunderstood your words… 'tis a problem of mine that my mouth moves so fast my ears often shut down. I am packed. Is there naught else you need of me to benefit the group? I woulds't do more if the group requires it."
Fay then turns to Lia and Mari, "Amillë, Lady Mari, may I help either of thee?" Edited: Abnninja on 7th May, 2017 - 8:22pm
Upon hearing that you are going after the raiders, offers of help begin pouring in.
In very short order, a light and fast cart has been prepared, with just about all the supplies you could ask for. You actually have to discourage people from bringing in more, lest the multiple wagons needed slow you down greatly.
People are willing to help in other ways as well. One of the local smiths resizes armor for anyone with looted sets that are ill fitted for instance. Mounts and tack are found for those who will be joining the Blaze in their trek.
Out of Character: People don't have much left beyond the basics, but most mundane items and services could be obtained for free at this time. If in doubt, ask.
That potentially includes new weapons, armor, or animal barding for mounts if any are so inclined. But if it isn't already available, only simpler items can be made in the time frame at hand.
Lia shakes her head. " Not that I can think of Ioneg. Just make sure that you are fully ready. No harm must befall you. I need to prayer to Sune for her blessing upon this venture. " Lia departs to a private area. There she washes her hands and face. She will comb her hair carefully. Lia will examine herself in the mirror and nod in satisfaction. She then kneels down and asks for Sune to protect all of them once more and to help them return safely with the captives. Having completed this she will have her armor resized to fit tightly but not to be uncomfortable.
Mari looks at the bard. . " No thank you good sir. You should know that you waste your time with me. I'm not noble born as you are accustomed to. I'm no lady either. Pretty boys like you deserve better. " She walks away quickly to prepare. Mari will seek out several vials of basic poison to use if they can be found. Afterwards she will pick up another short sword. Edited: Kyrroeth on 8th May, 2017 - 1:00am
Poljen thanks the people, and makes sure they do not take supplies the town might need more. "We will take a few days' rations, no more. We will scrounge and forage. Maybe steal from the enemy, or loot their corpses if we find patrols. You people will need to keep your strength up for the work you need to do. We hope to return with your kinfolk."
When Mari walks away from Fay, Poljen saunters up and claps him on the shoulder. "I'm sure you wish to pursue her. My advice, go softly. If she honestly feels she is not of your station, don't push it. Simply demonstrate that does not mean anything to you. Unless of course it makes a difference." He glances over and sees Lia in the midst of her preparations. "And one last word of advice. If you do cause the lass any harm, physical or otherwise, your mother will skin you alive." He laughs sharply and walks off whistling tunelessly.
Poljen is assured that the Blaze would be hard pressed to take enough foodstuffs to cause a problem. Grain and meats are Greenest's primary production item, and other than the the more expensive alcohol, their stockpiles of such were largely untouched by the raiders.