The tense mood is palpable as the hours pass. It is almost evening when there is finally movement again.
There is a flurry of activity as supplies are gathered, armor and weapons inspected, and animals led out of the camp in small groups and run about to check for problems with their gait.
All in all, it looks like the army is preparing to leave tomorrow morning.
Fay speaks in a somber voice after Lia, "Velon, M'Lady mother is quite right. None want to help more than me, but I fear this is beyond our capacity. Yes, they will hear it outside. More than that, they will release the drakes and it will sound like Gehenna in there. We will simply provide more prisoners for them. As much as it angers me to say this, we must wait and pray the reinforcements arrive soon."
Poljen frowns. He says to the others, "We are still too few for an assault, unless we could truly move and strike quietly. From what our scouts tell us, that is not likely. However, we could climb down and ride fast and strike that caravan. They aren't far, and moving slowly. We could probably handle them. But we don't know what sort of effect that will have on the camp here. I want everyone's thoughts. Our primary goal is rescuing the captives. We can chase down the caravan, we can try to sneak inside the caves and begin killing the enemy, or we can wait to see if the army leaves tomorrow."
Fay thinks for a few minutes before answering. While shaking his head he says, "Methinks the best course is to remain here and see if the opportunity presents itself to save those below. An assault with our current numbers would be suicide. But, did not I hear you say the ruckus last night was from the enemy below finding some dead bodies? Mayhaps we be not alone here. If we could increase our numbers an assault might be possible. Is't possible to find those who did this goodly deed last night?"
Lia waits until Fay is through speaking before she begins talking. " Well spoken Ionneg. I have a little different opinion on this. This is bigger than just Greenest. I feel that we should hit that caravan for two reasons. One, regardless of whether we are able to rescue these prisoners, Greenest needs all the help it can get to rebuild. This stolen wealth would be of great assistance to them if returned. "
" For my second point… again, this bigger than only Greenest. We are at the beginning of a war to save this entire world. We must do everything we can to hurt these people and stop them from bringing Tiamat here in the flesh. This whole time we have been chasing after them, letting them decide where conflict would happen. "
"This is our chance to take the initiative. Show them that we are a step ahead. Sow doubt in their minds. Besides, we can still do both. There is nothing that we can do until the army leaves anyways. We can leave a couple of people here to continue observing. The rest of us can strike the caravan and come for the prisoners after the army is gone. " Edited: Kyrroeth on 22nd May, 2017 - 7:07pm
Fay looks at Lia, he blinks his eyes a few times as if to clear them. He sees her in a whole new light, the wisdom in those words is frighteningly true. "Amillë, what ye say be truth indeed. This be war, and a long war. We must play it fer the end game." He looks at Poljen, "Lia has swayed me, forget what I said ere this, I vote with Lia."
Tallis speaks up, "Greenest will survive without the things they've taken, and I doubt that our… contribution is anything but a small token before Tiamat's endless greed. If we do anything with that caravan, I would suggest that we follow it as we did with the army. No doubt its path leads to other portions of this cult that deserve our wrath."
"Besides, if they have a means to contact the others, hitting them could result in that army rushing back to squat on their prisoners like an angry mother bear."
"I vote that we wait and watch for our opening. If we feel like we can spare a few people to follow the caravan, then we do that as well"
Out of Character: Aericsteele has chosen to bow out of the game (Check his intro thread), and it is quite apparent that Ashdrunbar has disappeared on us yet again. I'll be running Onwen and Nyzahr as support NPCs until a suitable departure for them is determined. I'll be missing both those characters.
Cratol comes into the camp after talking a bit with Tallis. "There is no help in the hills around this camp to assist us." He blushes upon saying this and heads back to where he was. Edited: KNtoran on 22nd May, 2017 - 8:09pm